Tuesday, October 23, 2012

37 Week Update

Well a couple of big things have happened this last week.

Last day of work: On Friday I had my last day of work.  It was definitely bitter-sweet.  It was great to know that I'd finally have time to work on some baby stuff/get a little bit of a break.  But it was hard saying goodbye and leaving the place that I've worked at for the last two years. My co-workers were all so wonderful.  They threw me a baby shower/going away lunch.  I am really blessed to have made some great friends there; they are all great women and I am going to miss them.  Like I told them though, I'm not dying...just having a baby-so I can still go back and visit :-)

Non-stress test #3: I had my third non-stress test on Monday.  It went really great! My little girl had an awesome heartbeat, was moving around lots, and just seemed to be doing great.  When it came to the ultrasound part we had some great news too! Not only is the fluid level still great, but she now has the loop wrapped once instead of twice! Good girl unwrapped herself a little.  I still have to have weekly visits since I'm still so close to my due date and I was given the option of having more stress tests or not.  I thought I'd still have them because I like to hear her heartbeat and really...what does it hurt? She's still moving a lot so the cord could get looped some more but we're hoping that it doesn't.  Anyway though, it was a great appointment.

Maternity/Family Photos: One of my best friends, Maya, was SOSOSOSO nice to offer to take some maternity photos for us.  We went and had those taken on Saturday and oh my goodness! She is SO good! I haven't seen the final products because she wanted to just kind of edit a few of them etc...but what she showed us on her camera while we were there were SO good! I'm so excited to see them.  They were basically the first photos Tim and I have had done since our wedding and it was really fun to get to do that together.  Especially having one of my best friends take the photos-it was so great! I'll post a lot of them once I go pick them up.

And...that's all for this post.  I might add some more to it later but for now I am ready to go bed.

1 comment:

  1. Megs, that is so nice of Mia! I really wish that we had gotten prego pics!!!!
