Friday, July 6, 2012

Baby Update: 22 weeks

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and things are looking good.  This last week I had a little bit of an emotional, if not physical, scare.  I was reading in my pregnancy book and I saw that I had some symptoms of pre-term labor.  Now don't get all worried, it wasn't anything big like contractions, but it was enough that I got pretty emotional in case something was wrong.  Tim took me to the Urgent Care only to be told when we got there that they didn't have any fetal monitors at that location.  I then described my symptoms to the nurses out front and they really calmed me down.  Basically, they said that what I'd experienced was pretty normal and just a part of pregnancy.  I just needed someone in the medical field to ease my mind, because really-I didn't feel like anything was wrong, it was only after I read the book and saw that I had 3/5 pre labor symptoms that they listed that I started worrying. 

But not to worry-things are great! I'm really trying to not be the over-paranoid first time mom/pregnant woman who worries constantly about everything.  So after talking to my doctor a little bit in our appointment I feel better than ever.  Baby's heart beat is going strong and she and I are both measuring well.  I really like my doctor, he's super nice and funny and answers all my questions.  But he's super busy-because he's a great doctor he has lots of patients.  I have wait a long time when I get to the appointment to see him and then sometimes my appointments feel pretty short once he's there, but I tried to make sure to tell him all of my symptoms I had a questions about.  So at the end of the appointment I asked him how everything was going overall and if he had any advice and he said that he thinks I'm doing great! It made me feel so good to hear that.  He said that me and baby are doing great and that I'm doing what I should be doing.  Last appointment I was kind of dehydrated and had keytones in my urine and this time I didn't, so my efforts in drinking more water are paying off.

I think the biggest area I can improve on right now is to exercise more.  Story of my life.  Dr. Young said it's good to exercise (even if it's just walking) an hour a day and I have been sorely lacking in that department.  However, if that's what me and my baby need then I am going to do it! I'm feeling great now, so I'm going to make the effort.  Last night Tim and I went lap swimming and this morning I walked on the treadmill. I'm hoping to keep that up.  When I told Dr. Young how I'd been swimming earlier this week he said that swimming is the very best thing I could do-and I agree.  I love swimming-it is for sure different though swimming while pregnant though.  Last night was only my second time going in a long time, but it was much easier than the first, so I'm hoping if I keep it up that I'll be able to get back into swimming shape/just back in better shape in general. 

So that's the update-life is good.  Baby girl and I are doing good. If anyone has any great exercising pregnancy tips for a lady with not a ton of time, let me know :-)


  1. Meg's, I'm with you on the paranoid about preterm labor and even loosing the baby thing. It drove Landon crazy but I couldn't help it. The worst book I have read while being pregnant is what to expect while expecting..... It made me super stressed and anxious. Once I started hypnobirthing I was able to calm down a lot and not worry. So many things had gone wrong for me while I was stressed. I had a stroke, got hypermesious, had IV therapy, put on bed rest three times etc. Once I started to chill out and tell myself that my body is better than that I started to force myself to walk and do water aerobics- everything changed! No worries or medical problems. Then a few weeks ago my family had a bit of a crisis and I started to go into labor.... As soon as I took control of my nerves and my mind my labor stopped. It's amazing how much of a role our mind plays. Hang in there. I know you are gonna have a fabulous pregnancy and labor not to mention be one of the greatest moms ever!

  2. Kris-I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I feel so bad sometimes for Tim because really...I just feel like I'm a little crazy/hypocondriatic. But it's all new experiences and there's so much at stake that it's hard not to worry. I'm so sorry that you've gone through so much-like oh my goodness you've had a hard road. We definitely need to get together (most likely after McKenna arrives :-) since she's coming pretty soon) so we can catch up. I'm so glad that you found hypno-birthing and that it's helped you so much. I still really want to look into it-I need to get into some birthing classes pretty soon. I've been trying to relax more though and I know that helps-thank you for sharing your experiences on that with me! I'm glad that I have you as an example to look toward not only as a great friend and person in general but that you're able to share with me your pregnancy experiences. Thanks for your support-you're a rock star and you are going to be an amazing mom too! I'm so excited that we'll be having little girls so close to each other-this is awesome! Love you lots Kris!
