Saturday, October 6, 2012

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! (35 week ultrasound update)

You are the best dad in the world and I know you are the best granddad from seeing you with all the girls and Oscar.  I'm so excited to get to see you with my little girl when she comes.  I know she'll love you as I do and I am so excited that she has such great grandparents.  I wasn't sure what to get you for your big birthday-and generally when I get you something you don't necessarily love it/use it anyway (Rotary howling wolf shirt) but I thought you would love to see the most recent photos of your new granddaughter.  She says happy birthday :-D I hope you have a wonderful day Dad!  Thank you for always being there for me, especially as our family expands.  Love you always and forever! ~Megs


These are the 35 week ultrasound photos we got.  Everything is looking great. She was in a head down position, although she moves a lot so that could definitely change. She is measuring exactly for her due date and weighs around 5.5 lbs right now.  They predict she'll probably be about 7.5 lbs when she's born.  There is lots of amniotic fluid for her to still move around in and I believe it because I feel her moving all the time.  Her heartbeat was "perfect" (I love hearing that word from the doctors).  The one small issue of concern is that the chord is wrapped around her neck in a double loop (no that's not a double chin).  I guess having the chord wrapped once is very common, twice is still pretty common but means they'd like to monitor me more to make sure everything is going well.  So other than that chord getting in her way while she's trying to do some summersaults, things are looking great.  I'm so excited to get to meet her in a few weeks.  Do you see those cheeks?! Oh my goodness I'm excited! And I think it looks like she might have some dark hair! These 3D ultrasounds are miraculous.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Megs! It looks like she has hair too!
    My kids were all big movers and had the cord wrapped around their necks (Betty and Oscar 2, Iris 3!)I think with one of them Steve didn't get to cut the cord because it surprised the doctor, but it all turned out great.
