Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mary Lynne: Behind the name

Mary Lynne

When Tim and I first started thinking about names we first acknowledged that we both like traditional, classic names.  Our next factor was that we wanted names that had meaning in themselves and an extra bonus if they had family meaning.  We also thought it would be cool if they could have a Spanish name (i.e. Maria). And it's important to not have a negative association with the name (I've never met a Mary I didn't like).

We made a long list of names that we liked. The names Mary and Lynne were both on there for girl names. We liked both of them as either a first or middle name.  Then we realized that we wanted to use both names and that our little girl's name would have so much love in it.

Mary is named for many amazing women.  
*Her great Grandma Frogley who passed away was named Marilyn.  I never got to meet her but from what I have heard I know she was an amazing woman.  She had to be an amazing woman because she married the best of men and raised an incredible family.  When I think of Grandma Frogley I think of Grandpa and how much I love him, and of my mother-in-law Carol. Carol is an amazing woman and I love her very much.  I know that because Tim's mom is so wonderful, the woman who raised her had to be as well. I am excited for the day that I get to meet her and I feel like she really loves her little namesake.

*Mary is named for her Nanny (what we Welsh call grandmas)-my mom Barbara.  I remember jokingly telling my mom that I would never name a child after her because I don't know how anyone can name a baby Barbara. mom's middle name is Lynne so I found a way around that so that I could name my little girl after my mom.  As I've grown up, and especially as I've become a mother, I have realized how amazingly lucky I am to have my mom as a mother. She is the best example I could ever have on how to be a mom.  My mom is so loving and always puts her children (and grandchildren) first.  I never fully appreciated what a sacrifice that is but she truly puts the happiness of her family above her own and will work tirelessly to sustain it.  She gives the best hugs, cuddles, and kisses.  She works really hard (along side my dad) to make sure her children are comfortable and happy. She physically tires herself out doing everything she can to make sure everyone around her is happy (all the chores, errands, comforting of emotions etc...). And...because I have to put this in there-she is an amazing cook (and yet will always sacrifice her yummy food if one of her children want it-usually me). I am so incredibly grateful for my mom. She is the best Nanny and I'm really happy she has a great name that we could use in naming our child ;-)

*Tim's Aunts: Mary C and Marie T. I really got so lucky when I married Tim.  He is the best man I know...I'm going to equate him to the yummiest cake in the world.  Tim's family is the icing. He has such a wonderful extended (and immediate!) family.  I love all of them very much.  These two women are very special and both in particular made me feel so welcome and comfortable and their respective sides of the family.  I remember the first Bear Lake reunion that I attended.  I was one of the newest members of the family and was just kind of nervous on how to fit in. Aunt Mary made me feel so comfortable. She is such a sweet, spunky, down-to-earth, loving woman. (She is also Hannah's mom-the amazing woman who taught Tim and I Hypnobirthing). I always feel like I can talk to Aunt Mary whenever I'm around her. The same goes for Aunt Marie-at any Frogley family gathering she always makes me feel so loved.  She is so loving and genuine.  I feel a closeness with both of these women and am so excited for my Mary to get to know them as she grows up. 

*The Auntie Marys: Mary B and Mary HB. I have said this many times and I can't say it enough, but I have the best friends in the world and am so blessed to have them.  Many of my best friends were my roommates during college.  I roomed with Mary B during my sophomore year and Mary HB my junior and senior.  I can't have been luckier to have such amazing roommates.  Not only are they seriously the funnest and coolest girls you could ever meet but I became a better person because of them. 
            I feel like sophomore year was a great year for spiritual growth for me and I know it is because of Mary B.  She was such an incredible example to me (she is a spiritual giant!).  We had so much fun, she helped me to love myself more and to accept myself. And she helped me to set a better schedule for myself (because she had to for her job). She is crazy fun, full of emotions...I think the best way to describe her is a free spirit. And yet she is also very responsible and structured.  She is humble, down-to-earth, kind, and generous, and so loving. Really...just a fantastic combination of talents and love and it is impossible to not like her. 
           Junior and Senior years living with Mary HB were the funnest years of my college career. I can't count the nights we stayed up super late talking. When describing Mary I would say she is full of LIFE. Another incredible example to me.  Mary wrote in her journal every night. She was a spiritual giant as well and it's so funny because when it came to homework she and I were both generally procrastinators but if she had a lesson or talk to give in church she put in so much time and energy in it-and it showed. She is HILARIOUS! You can't be around her and not smile or laugh.  She makes everyone feel comfortable and can get along with anyone. Being friends with Mary is easy. One of the easiest things because she is so easy to love; she gives so much love.

*The Virgin Mary. Last but never least. The Savior's mother. I can't go into too many details about my thoughts and feelings about this woman otherwise I'll cry. Basically...the strongest, bravest mom there has ever been and will ever be.
All of these women have been huge blessings in my life and I am so grateful for all of them.  I love all of them very much and am so blessed to now have my own Mary.  She is my baby and my joy. I know that she will follow the examples of these great women she is named for and make all of them love her and be proud of her.


  1. Megan you are truly one of the most amazing and thoughtful people I know. Thank you for the generous words and for the opportunity I had to read about the other Marys. You are such an incredible person who has so much love and I know that little Mary Lynne is so blessed to have you as her mother. It's an honor to be included in this list!

  2. So sweet Megs, have a tear in my eye. Love you xxx
