Friday, February 17, 2012

Finally Friday

I just feel like all the weeks of this new year have gone by SO slowly. But then I think that we're in mid February and my mind is blown away.  Anyway though-There is one nasty bug going around.  Tim had it, I had it, I think half my office had/has it, and both of our families.  Well I had this nasty cold/possible sinus infection and it may have been the excitement of my birthday and seeing my family, but I had basically overcome it.  I had about 4 days reprieve and am now feeling sick again.  It's different symptoms from before, but BOO. Boo colds! I thought I was done being sick and then something else came up to bite me.

My symptoms now-stuffy/clogged/runny nose depending on its mood
Sore/sharply painful throat/feels really dry but not painful when talking
Lots of sneezes that hurt my throat, and random spurts of coughing

If anyone has some sure-fire ways to get rid of these nasty cold bugs, pleas share-I'm willing to try anything so that I can feel 100% again.  Thanks! I'm just so grateful that it's finally Friday and that I'll hopefully be able to relax a little this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Rest is KEY!! I have been fighting it myself, and I stink at resting, but it is what will allow your body to fight it off the best, because you will not be doing other things.
    Good luck Megsie! Get better! love you
