Thursday, February 16, 2012


This has been taking up all of my free time lately.

If you haven't seen BBC's Merlin you should watch it! It is such a great show (if you like magic and knights etc...which I do!).  This show is really fun, family oriented, no swearing, no sex, little blood and violence-it just has good morals and I love it.  The first 3 seasons are on Netflix and I just finished the 4th season via youtube.  


  1. Yay. I love this show and I am glad we can love it together! :)

  2. Megan! My family loves this show. We have the first 3 seasons on DVD. The other day my dad checked our phone messages and he said that grandma called to tell me she finally found season 4 on tv on some scifi channel at 10:30 at night. She was really excited lol.
