Friday, February 3, 2012


There is a bug goin' round! And I have caught it.  Tim was sick all last week and then the past couple days I have been super congested.  Its been a long time since I've had a bad cold and I forgot how awful they were. You just feel foggy and fuzzy and slow, tired, dumb, and all other things icky.  Anyway though, I am SO grateful that it's Friday.  Even though I'm feeling sick I am going to work because I'm taking off next Friday to be with my family.  My parents are coming down for Sian's and my birthday and I can't wait for us to all be together (minus the Johns-we love you guys!). So this weekend I am going to be sleeping to try and get this bug out of me.

Also great news is that I finally got to meet my newest nephew Bruce! Oh man he is SO cute! Just a little man.  It amazes me how incredibly distinct genders are.  I know that with my nieces and nephews, all the little girls looked like little girls, and the little boys like little boys.  I know that's not always the case, but at least with my nephews Oscar and Bruce-they are just these strong, cute little men and I love it.

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