Monday, February 6, 2012

Husband Award

I've decided that if there was a husband contest I would win! For the past couple weeks either Tim or I, or both of us have been SICK.  Well this weekend it was my turn.  Despite the fact that I was feeling pretty crummy though, Tim made this weekend amazing for me!

Friday night-After a long week of work I really didn't want to cook so Tim went and got us some yummy Little Caesers Italian Cheesy and a Hot and Ready.  He also got us a red box-Contagion.  FYI...good movie-not necessarily good to watch when you're sick though.  Also, this movie just strengthened my testimony on food storage-the Church knows its I just need to get myself food storage.

Saturday- I woke up at around 11 still feeling bad. Tim was so sweet though-he took great care of me and just let me rest.  He asked me if he could take me out to dinner to Chilis for my birthday.  I thought, because we just got take out the night before, and because I wasn't feeling so great that we could do it another day (he was going to be in Salt Lake until around 9 on my actual birthday).  Then he told me "What if I take you out to Chilis at 7 and then drop you off there because all of your girls are going to be there?" WHAT?! Oh my sweet dear husband-he planned a girls night for my birthday and it was so wonderful.  It's not that I wouldn't have loved to go out with my Tim, but the thought of seeing all my girls gave me some adrenaline and I made sure to feeling good enough to go.

I'd been meaning to get my haircut for a while, and I thought that seemed like the perfect day since I was going to go out and see all the girls. Tim and I went to go start my car so he could drop me off and then take Blue to get an oil change (such a great man!) and it wouldn't start :-(  

So we got into Tim's car wouldn't start.  Oh my goodness, what luck! Two cars that wouldn't start.  With Tim's it just turned out to be the battery-the lights had been left on.  But with mine it turned out to be the alternator.  That's a whole another adventure/story.  But-Tim took care of all of it and got it fixed for me (with the great help of his dad, Dan).

After getting my hair cut I met the girls at Chilis and it was so wonderful to catch up and see my girls (missed you M-Ho and Maya).  I felt so incredibly spoiled.  Not only that Tim (with Mary Baum's help!) was able to get everyone together, but then the girls got me presents too.  Mary Baum and Chanelle got me some sultry dark red Mac lipstick and some pink glitter gloss, and Jerr got me a beautiful gray lace scarf.

Sunday-we had a wonderful day at Tim's parents house with all the Frogley clan for the Superbowl.  I still wasn't feeling too good so I took a nap in the basement and then went home early to sleep.  But it was fun to see everyone and eat Uncle Dave's pancakes-oh my goodness YUM!

So yeah....this may be the longest post you've ever read-but it was so worth it because I had to write about the wonderful weekend I had and it was all because of Tim.  He is my hero.  I am so grateful to be married to such a wonderful man.  I am also so incredibly grateful for my wonderful friends and family and how they all helped to make my birthday special.  I couldn't have imagined how perfectly Tim would fit into my life, but seeing how he gets along with everyone and just how caring and personable he is-HUSBAND AWARD!

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