Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Yo Yo Yo-I'm 24!

Tim is the sweetest husband in the whole world.  THE WHOLE WORLD! Yup. And I am SO lucky to have him.  So...around my birthday I really wasn't feeling very good...aka-I felt like death and had been sick for a couple of weeks with virus's and flus etc...So the Saturday before my birthday (my birthday was on Wednesday this year) he asked me if he could take me out to dinner.  Well the night before we'd gotten pizza and I really wasn't feeling so great so I told him that although I thought he was incredibly sweet to want to take me out...I was ok just staying home.

"Well...what if I told you that I'm going to take you to Chilis and then drop you off because all of your girls are there for your birthday."

um...ok. Bring on the tears. Seriously! SERIOUSLY! Oh I have the best husband ever.  I try and try to get all of my girls together for things and it never works out.  Tim with the help of my wonderful friend Mary, have planned a couple things for me in surprise.  They. Are. Wonderful. And every time something like this happens I lose it.  Proof below.

Yep-I understand that no one in their right mind would like to have pictures taken of them while they're sick, tired, unshowered, and in their bathrobe.  I wasn't in my right mind obviously-I was delirious with happiness and gratitude and excitement and wanted to document it for Tim and my friends to show them just how happy I really was!

The story continues and gets better.  I'd been meaning on getting my haircut for FOREVER! I decided what better time than before a birthday dinner with my girls? was supposed to be a surprise, but because I wasn't feeling like we should go if it was just Tim and I (no offense honey-I always love going out to dinner with you, I just didn't think we needed to because I was sick and we'd gotten take out the night before-you know? I really really do love you more than my girls. Seriously though-I do.)

Right when I was going to leave to get my haircut I got in my car and it wouldn't start. Awesome. Dead car.  Tim was going to drop me off and then take my car to get an oil change.  SEE-seriously, best husband ever! LOVE HIM! I hate going and getting stuff done on my car and he was going to do it like it was nothing. didn't start.  So I had an appointment to keep so we decided to go in Tim's car.  vroom rakaraka. vroom raka raka.  You guessed it-Tim's car didn't start.  What were the odds? Thankfully we have family in Provo so Tim's dad came over and jumped our cars for us, Tim dropped me off, and then went to get my car's oil changed.  Here are a couple of the before hair pictures.

Little did I know that Tim was having an adventure while I was getting my hair cut.  Right as he pulled in to get Blue's oil changed, the car died again.  This time the culprit was a dead alternator.  Man, crazy day-but it was still SO good because my husband took such good care of me.  He took care of me while I was sick, planned a girls night for me, and then he also took care of all the crazy car stuff.

When husbands are great like that...this is what they...

KISSES!!! (also because Mary and Chanelle got me a beautiful color of lipstick for my bday present and I needed to try it out on him)

AND...WaaaaLAH! The new haircut!

I love it and I felt like Sydney Bristow in the good hair season of Alias. As you can tell from the pictures at the begining of the day to the end, my day just kept getting better and better and was so wonderful. Made wonderful by my dear sweet friends and...........drumroll best of friends-my Tim.

 I love you Tim.  Thank you for making my birthday so great!

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