Wednesday, February 29, 2012


It's been a little while since I've posted anything, especially anything fun or exciting.  The rest of the week is going to be a little bit slower at work because all of the reps are in California for a conference.  SO....I thought I'd do a little update, and then hopefully I'll do some more interesting blogs/catch up on things.

I've been really sick.  The last month I've had a nasty cold type bug.  Around my birthday I had about 4 days reprieve where it wasn't too bad. Then last week I woke up Tuesday morning without a voice.  My airway was constricted, my voice gone, throat sore, breathing was coming in wheezes.  It was a rough week.  I went to the doctor and he just said that it's that nasty virus going around.  He gave me an inhaler for my constricted airway and some Codene cough syrup (he was way excited about that). It's taken a week but my voice is getting better-still not 100%, but I am still feeling nasty.  I may have a sinus infection, my cheek bones hurt/feel tight?-it's weird.  I'm super flemmy, and have a nasty cough.  So...I hope none of you get this because this virus is the biggest bully ever.

In better news-My husband is hilarious and makes me laugh all the time.  Last night Tim and I watched youtube clips of Flight of the Concords on his phone for over an hour. Let me tell you-my Tim has got his New Zealand accent down-or at least he can immitate Murray really well. It was lots of fun just hanging out and laughing.

Also...I got my hair cut a while ago-I love it.  It's refreshing and great. Lots of layers, kind of a red/golden brown color.  It makes me feel like Sydney Bristow season 3 of Alias (maybe season 4-the first APO season).

I have so many pictures and things to blog about, but I haven't gotten around to it.  So I'm going to end this update and just do smaller posts with the other stuff.


  1. Feel better soon! Being sick is the worst. Also, your hair sounds super cute!

  2. Post a picture of your hair!
    (From Emma- I can't sign out of Steve account right now because he has it open on some church business).
