Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Feeling BETTER!

Guess what people?! I am feeling MUCH better! Although I still have a small case of the sniffles, and a cough that gets me sometimes, other than that I'm doing great! So YAY! I really really hope that I am on the tail end of all of that sickness and that it just stays away from now on.  STAY AWAY GERMY GERMS THAT MAKE ME SICK! STAY AWAY!

In other news, one of my good friends and coworkers is training for a triathalon so I am teaching her swimming lessons to help get her ready for the big race.  I'm really excited-it feels SO good to be back in the water and its nice to remember that there are some things that I'm good at-you know? Even if I can't swim like I used to, when I get in the water it just feels like second nature-I feel like a fish and just love to move in it, whether I'm swimming, floating, treading water, sculling, or just sitting in the water-it's great. We're going swimming tonight and I am stoked to have a buddy to work out with and to help motivate myself to being active again.

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