Friday, March 9, 2012

Sad Day

I don't even know how to start this post.  My heart is just aching so much for my friend.  I don't know how to word anything.  I don't feel like I can express the proper emotions and sentiments at all.  My sweet, strong, wonderful friend Alicia lost her amazing miracle son today.  Baby Bridger was the strongest fighter you will ever hear of.  The odds were against him throughout their whole pregnancy and then he kept on fighting these last four months only to have a medical curve ball blind-side everyone. 

He was such a beautiful, wonderful boy and through him and his family my testimony of the Lord's plan has been strengthened. I've been so blessed to know Alicia and Andrew and the miraculous story of Bridger's life. I am so incredibly grateful for the Gospel.  Although, even with that knowledge it is still so incredibly tragic.  I ache for my friend-I actually can't think about it in depth otherwise I break down-but please keep them in your prayers. 
Tim and I have been praying every day for Bridger since we found out that there were troubles during pregnancy.  I know that he and his family are so incredibly loved by the Lord and that Bridger's purpose on earth has been completed.  I'm not positive what it was-but I know that he has awed, inspired, and uplifted so many people.  I love that little boy and I love my friend. 

Please keep them in your prayers.