Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bridger's Burial

Yesterday I was really blessed to be able to attend the burial of the sweetest little boy.  His story and life are a miracle and I am so grateful for the gospel when such tragic things happen.  It was still incredibly sad though.  I have never seen anything more sad than a baby casket, than my friend kissing the casket, putting a teddy bear on top and saying goodbye.  I would never wish such heart ache on anyone-I'm amazed that one of my friends was one such person.  I never realized how wonderful and special my friend was, but the Lord did.  He would never send such a special spirit to anyone less deserving. Alicia and Andrew are such wonderful people, but in a short amount of time they became the strongest, most united parents you could ever meet.

I can't go too in-depth on everything that happened or I'll start crying, but I wanted to share some of the special moments that happened so that I can remember them.
  • Alicia's grandpa talked about Bridget a little bit.  What he said was wonderful and so true. Bridger's mission was fulfilled-"he touched more people in his short life than most people do in a whole life-time".
  • Alicia's story of his passing-that he hugged them from behind-strong like her brother Derrek.
  • They got a special permit so they could drive him in the back seat of their car-Bridger laughing at his mom "I'm ok Mom."
  • "We joke that he'll be in heaven with two kidneys and we hope he's peeing everywhere".
  • It was very special and sacred to be with friends at this sad time; to love and be there for one another. 
Bridger was such a sweet happy boy. No more poking. No more prodding.  So special that he just had to come and prove that miracles where real-give people hope of miracles, testify of the Savior and his love, love everyone around him, beat the odds, and then live forever in our hearts and memories and then go home.

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