Monday, March 19, 2012

Early Pregnancy Journal Entries

I know I can't publish this post yet and that I need to wait another month or so before I let the cat out of the bag, but I couldn't help wanting/needing to type it now.  I wanted to write all about it in my journal the last couple days but I haven't made the time/I've been really tired.  Anyway....the big news is....

I'M PREGNANT!!! Da da da DAAAA! and I am SO excited about it!

Tim and I are so excited to be parents.

3/20  I keep forgetting to write in my journal at night, but I HAVE to keep a record of my pregnancy and so I think I may just do a really long blog post on this...I don't know if I'll post it, but at least I'll have it written somewhere and I can print it out etc...later.  So...I think I'm about 6 weeks-almost 7 weeks pregnant based on my calculations online.  So far I haven't thrown up at all but I am feeling pretty natuious in the morning.  The past couple days when I've woken up my pulse has been racing, I've been super hot (although that could be our wonky heater-why on earth does it choose to be 78 degrees at 7 am?!), and a little light headed.  Part of me thinks I'm just getting really dehydrated.  I am peeing SOOOO MUCH! Oh my goodness.  I've never peed so much in my life.  But yeah, the mornings are kind of rough.  I've been gagging a lot but so far no throwing up.  I hope it stays that way...unless throwing up is a good sign or something.  I don't know.  I just want this baby to be healthy.  I'm taking the Melaluca multipack of womens/prenatals vitamins-9 pills a day! I'm drinking more water, trying to work out a little more...I need to sleep more.  That's hard. Right now I'm at work and I just don't feel like I can concentrate.  My throat feels tight and like I'm sick and so I'm just constantly munching on pretzels.  They're helping me not feel sick but I doubt the salt/carbs are helping the body.  Oh well though...I've got to work so I'm just going to push through this.

3/21  I am so paranoid.  I get it from my mom.  I'm a paranoid person. But I've never been pregnant before and now I'm so scared about some things.  Yesterday was a ridiculous day at work.  I could only take half an hour lunch break due to the procrastination of one of the reps.  It really bugged me but I helped him out as much as I could.  When I got home though, I was exhausted! I went to bed at 8 for the night.  At around 3:30 I woke up to go to the bathroom but then I couldn't fall back to sleep and my leg kept kind of twitching.  This is SO silly...but I thought I was having a blood clot that would turn into an annuerism or something. This morning when I woke up, I heard this tiny little hissy/tingly noise at the back of my head and was sure that I may be having one.  It was so ridiculous, but it really scared me none the less.  This is so silly but even though I read a pregnancy book I just don't know what to expect.  I wish I could tell people now (but I won't becaue it's too soon) so that they could tell me it's just my hormones and that I'm fine.

I realized to that...I've been feeling nauseous and I've been peeing like crazy, but this morning I actually didn't feel too bad when I got to work (better than the few days before), but I started to feel it a little more this afternoon and I was grateful for it.  I don't know if its a good sign or a bad sign but its a sign! I felt like I didn't have to go pee as much today, and then I got this big urge to go and again I was grateful.  Because I don't know how things are going yet, I pray so much that my baby is doing alright. But the nausea and the peeing-that tells me that my baby is there! and that is really good to me, so I'll be happy and grateful for it.

4/2 today is my friend Darby's birthday. And I am officially 8 weeks (so long as my calculations are correct).  This past week...well really last weekend but kind of throughout the week as well-I have had the flu.  Not the stomach flu...the full out influenza, body aches, this is the thing that kills some people flu. It really wasn't fun.  I threw up three times last week and I'm pretty sure it was because of the flu and not because of me being pregnant, although I'm sure it contributed to it.  This morning however, of about 10 minutes ago, I threw up a ton.  Probably all of my orange, water, and vitamins that I've had this morning.  So yeah....I just threw it all up in my garbage bin by my desk at work.  I'm now feeling kind of cold and weak, but a little bit better.  I think that this throw up may have been completely morning sickness related though. This weekend as far as sickness wise I'd been feeling better.  Not really coughing any more, but I'm still feeling weak, and I had a lot of ahem other unpleasant issues etc...I'm probably dehydrated.  But I'm trying to be good.  I'm trying to drink more water, eat healthier etc...I'm trying to get lots of sleep at night.  But yeah...I'm definitely feeling really tired and nauseous.

I'm hoping those are good signs though. Hopefully, good signs for my baby.  Not very good for a productive day at work though. Oh well....I just can't stress and I just have to try and do my best.

4/4 I scheduled my first Dr.'s appointment yesterday.  It's for next Wednesday the 11th.  I'm so excited but also incredibly nervous.  So my sister in law Lara guessed that I was expecting the other day.  Basically, she said that maybe I was getting so sick all the time because I was pregnant.  I tried to cover, but I didn't do a very convincing job of it.  Later she said "you didn't say no-so that meant yes :-)"  so yeah...Lara gave us some great recommendations and tips about doctors etc...and she recommended this Dr. Young.  So I am going to see him on Wednesday.  I read some reviews and they were either really good or really bad; which kind of made me a little nervous.  So I'm hoping when I meet him it will set my mind at ease. Anyway though...I am very excited to go have my first appointment.  I just want the peace of mind to know that everything is ok. To hear...yes, you really are pregnant. I mean...I know I am.  If I wasn't then there would be something seriously wrong with the changes occuring in my body. But I can't wait to get everything confirmed and start this great journey.

4/5 I just got a call from Dr. Young's office.  They called to do a quick pre-appointment questionnaire thing. It was awesome! Basically...because I got to talk to someone about me being pregnant! I got to say when my last period was, when I found out I was pregnant....all these wonderful things, and it just made me SO happy! I can't wait till I'm out of the scary part (first trimester dun dun dun...).  AH! I am so that first time pregnant girl-the first time mom.  I'm nervous and excited.  I'm googling EVERYTHING! My old roommate Mary (slightly hypocondriatic) would webmd symptoms for everything.  Oh Mary...I hope that girl calls me when she is pregnant because otherwise she will be FREAKING out! But it's so wonderful.  I just want to tell everyone! was so fun to talk to the lady at Dr. Young's office.  She sounded nice and friendly-she laughed at my slight joke, told me congratulations.  I just feel good.  I feel good.  It's good. YES! LIFE IS GOOD! Oh I am so grateful for my good life.  I am so grateful for my Tim.  I am so grateful for our baby. YES!

4/11 Tim and I went to our first doctor appointment and it was so wonderful! So...WE SAW OUR BABY!!! WE HAVE PICTURES OF OUR BABY!!! I have this dilemma of not knowing what to call our baby because of the whole not knowing gender thing.  So I will probably frequently change between he and she...anyway though-we saw our baby! We have legit pictures and our baby is sure in there.  It was so wonderful! Dr. Young said that I was measuring at 9 weeks 6 days-so I'm a couple days farther a long than I thought and he's put my due date at November 10th, 2012.  I have a lot to write about this appointment, but I'm watching Anne of Green Gables and going through the good bag that they gave us today/reading everything.  One of the unexpected things about my visit is that I have a heart murmur (going to go read up on that now lol).  I also want to describe what me and Rachel (the cool nurse) talked being nauseous and then Dr. Young talked to us about food preparation, listeria, and prenatal vitamins.  It was so great though! They took like 6 tubes of blood to do tests. My next appointment is May 10th.

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