Friday, March 30, 2012

If I won the Lottery

So I think I've been a little out of the loop when it's come to this huge lottery going on right now.  Most likely because I'm in Utah, and I'm Mormon and we don't gamble, but I just heard about it today.  I searched online to see how much it was going for and saw a brief article that said "A big win could turn into a big loss".  Basically, it was about people who win the lottery and then lose it all in silly investments. Well...this lotto is for $640 million-you wouldn't even need to invest that at all! That just by itself is enough for you and all of your family members to live a happy life. Even though, of course you would invest your money, but here is my opinion why I'd be a great winner for the lottery, and what I would do if I won (all hypothetical).

I think I'd be a great lottery winner because I don't really care to live an extravagent life.  I'd still want to live very frugally, I'd just know I wouldn't have to worry about finances ever again. Here is my list of what I'd spend the money on.

1. I'd buy Tim and I a good family car because it's inevitable that one day ours are going to die
2. I'd buy myself an indoor lap pool (probably my most extravagant item...oh and a house...)
3. I'd pay off any debt my family may have
4. Buy a modestly nice home
5. Make sure there's a college fund set up for all of our kids (and probably nieces and nephews too)
6. Go on a couple more family vacations
7. Go back to school without stressing about it
8. and I'd get my nails and hair done on a regular basis/go tanning because if I got cancer I could buy the research lab to find a cure ;-) (obviously joking on that last bit) maybe that isn't a really frugal list, but I didn't mention eating out for the rest of my life, or never working again. 

Because our Church is against gambling of all forms, if you win the lottery winners aren't allowed to use any of the money towards tithing.  Very understandable.  But the way I see could always donate a lot in fast offering? Or use that money to serve missions? Or donate to any other charity organization that you'd want to.  Haha-chances of winning for anyone are miniscule...but one can dream.  It's always kind of funny/fun to see what you'd want to spend money on.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Megan, I just clicked onto your blog from the comment you left for Nat! And how strange that you wrote a post about winning the lottery... because I did today too! So of course, I had to comment. Ha. I agree with you all the way---I wouldn't stop working and most of the money would go towards my family, humanitarian work, and educations. And yeah, I would prob keep up with the mani and pedis more regularly if I had millions to spare ;-) for sure.
