Friday, April 6, 2012

Fun night

Yesterday all I wanted was a hamburger for dinner.  A big, juicy, yummy hamburger.  I realize it's been a while since I've had one and I was craving one SO bad. That...and onion rings. Well when I got home from work, Tim and I cuddled while watching some Psych and then we were both SO tired.  So we went and took a "nap" until about 8 pm.  It was officially AWESOME! No idea why we were both so tired, but a good long nap was just what we needed.

When we woke up I was still craving that big, juicy burger.  And I needed to fill my car with gas.  Now here comes the fun/awesome part of the night.  It's all basically because of Tim and great food.  Wow-those two things really make me SO happy :-D

So we went and filled up my car with gas-I got out of the car to fill it up because it's on my side and Tim got out with me! Really?! I've got a stud of a husband.  He got out too, I entered in the card and numbers and he just hung out there with me and talked and was awesome.  Then he recommended that we get me a burger at Five Guys because they really are the best burgers.  He ironically, had had a burger on his way home from school because he'd craved one too.  Well...Five Guys doesn't sell onion rings.  So he took me to Burger Supreme to get me onion rings and we each got an AMAZING chocolate shake (SO SO MUCH CHOCOLATE).  And then we went to Five Guys.

We then went home, I proceeded to eat my monsterous, amazingly deliscious meal, and we watched another episode of Psych and snuggled.  IT WAS AWESOME! Such a super fun night with my husband-and all of it lovingly for me.  I have got a catch! And he just makes me so happy.  And last night was one of the funnest nights ever! (and we didn't even really do very much, we were just together having fun and he got me all the yummy food I wanted....points for Tim.  Points.)


  1. You didn't just get a burger at Burger Supreme? Their burgers are so yummy!

  2. Hah! Burger Supreme is our favorite hamburger place, too. Half price hamburgers & cheeseburgers after 8:30...Beat that, 5 Guys! Although Tim is absolutely right (and Allen would agree with him there)--5 Guys hamburgers rock! Glad you had a fun night! Isn't it amazing how simple evenings like that are so fun? This is why we worked so hard to endure so many awkward Friday night dates--so we could have fun ones like yours! Love ya, babe! --Brit
