Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Never wanted to be at work less...

My sister Emma and her family are here in Utah from Virginia.  My parents are in town.  Tim only has two more finals today and then is done with school (only one semester left!) for the summer.  We are leaving on Friday morning to go to England.  I have to work today and tomorrow and I've never wanted to be here less. 

I want to hang out with my family and see my nieces and nephew because I'm really only going to have a couple of hours with them.  It's just sad.  AND my friend Darby at work is moving today to Arizona.  AND my friend Connie at work is in Texas.  AND my friend Amy at work is leaving tomorrow afternoon to go to California.  So I'm going to be stuck here, with no friends, while my family is in town, and I'm just sitting answering phones.

I've never wanted to be at work less.

But on the bright sister and her family are in town and I get to see them! (if only for a little bit) AND on Friday morning Tim, myself, and my parents are leaving to go to England and Wales!!! So...I shouldn't complain, because life really is SO GOOD!

1 comment:

  1. Sooooo excited for you Megan!! Wish I could come along on your trip! The next two days will FLY by! haha... call me when you get back into town. School is out and this is the summer that Megan and Bethany will play! Have a great trip!
