Friday, April 27, 2012

Wales: Visiting GrandDad

The best part of the trip to Wales was getting to see family and friends, especially Granddad Ron.  Yep-that was definitely the best part.  It was so great to see him and to introduce him to Tim.  I haven't been over to Wales since my Nanny passed away.  It was weird and sad to not go to their home and to go to his new apartment, but it was just so wonderful to see him.  I really, really wish we were able  to see him more. Since being married to Tim, and developing relationships with his grandparents, it makes me wish I was able to be able to see my grandparents and develop closer relationships with them.  This trip was wonderful though.  Granddad Ron is basically the cutest man you could ever meet.  Tim and I loved seeing him.  I got really emotional a lot because I just realized I'd be so sad to leave him and how much I had missed him. When I walked into his bedroom I saw that he had pictures of me and my sisters in there I just lost it.  His whole apartment is full of pictures of us, because we're his family. My dad is his only son and my sisters and I are his only grandchildren. I can't imagine how hard that would be to have your family live across the world from you and not get to see them.  It was especially special being there with him while being pregnant, knowing we are adding to his family. I just wish we'd be able to take our kids over to meet him too.

Basically, I love my Granddad so much.  It was wonderful to see him.  And I miss him tons.

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