Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Home from the homeland (Wales and England)

I got home last night from one of the best trips I've ever taken.  My parents, Tim and I all went to Wales and England for 8 days and we just got back yesterday evening.  It was such an amazing trip that I can't describe it all in this one post.  It wasn't very relaxing because we jammed packed going to see all of the family and friends and lots of tourist things.  I wish we could have stayed longer and seen everyone more.  I'm so grateful for what we were able to do though and to see so many people that we love. 

I'm so grateful that Tim and I were able to go over.  My parents were so kind and generous to take us and I'm so grateful for them-we'd never be able to go do all of that by ourselves because we wouldn't know where to begin.  Although we did lots of fun touristy things, I think my favorite part was seeing family and friends, especially my Granddad Ron.  I didn't realize how much I've missed him until I saw him.  It was really really great to see him; I'm so sad that I don't get to see him more.  It was also just so wonderful to be there with Tim and to show him/introduce him to so many people and places.  I feel like he has gotten to know a piece of me that he didn't know before-that I was able to get to know my heritage and family more, and so was he. 

It was definitely, probably the best trip I've ever been on.  It was much too fast, I'm sad to be home, but so grateful for all we were able to do.  I will (hopefully soon) do lots of blog posts with all of our adventures and the pictures. 

Overall though, I am so grateful for my family-all of my family, near and far, real and fake (aka friends that are so close that they are family).  I am so grateful for my wonderful Welsh heritage and being able to know more about that beautiful country and the lovely people that live there. Overall...I am grateful, happy...and jet lagged :-)

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