Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wales Trip Days 1 and 2

We arrived in England Saturday morning (Apr. 21st) and then first thing drove to Wales.  My dad, Tim and I all went to a Cardiff City vs. Leeds United football game (and by that I mean soccer).  It was REALLY fun! Both of these teams are in the championship league (right below premiership) and are both vying to get into the premiership.  There was also some major rivalry between both teams; the opposing teams fans had to have a whole section of seats to either side of them as a buffer zone with no Cardiff fans-I guess it can get hostile sometimes lol. And our seats were really really good-thanks Dad!

It was a really fun game though-the level of soccer was higher than what I've seen in Utah (no offense Real fans, but it was), and even though the game was a tie 1-1 both of the goals were right in front of our seats and they were amazing. 

After the game we went over to see my Granddad Ron. It was so incredibly wonderful to see him.  I didn't realize just how much I've missed him.  It was/still is hard thinking about it because I love my granddad so much and it breaks my heart that I really don't get to see him very much.  Since being married to Tim I have seen the relationship that he has with his grandparents, and have been able to develop my own relationship with them, and although I am so grateful to be a US citizen...Wales just seems a little too far away.  After this trip,...well it's just really hard because I really miss my granddad and all of our other family and friends more now.  I'll have to make sure to see them more often!

On Sunday we went out to lunch with my mum's cousins. We picked up granddad to come with us and that's when I remembered that I had brought my camera to take pictures! are some candids of the family.  It was SO neat to get to meet/see my mum's cousins again.  A few of them are actually going to be coming to Utah in September to visit and we are all so excited for them to come over! Now I'm more excited than ever after getting to know them a little more and seeing how cool they are.

James, my dad, Linda, and Leah

Jeff (back turned), Granddad Ron, and James
All of these pictures were as we were leaving the resturaunt but I think I need to mention the yummy food that we had.  I had roast lamb with mint sauce and Tim had roast beef.  My lamb was a little bit dry, but my parents had it too and their's weren't.  It was such good food though.  They brought you out your individual plate with your cut of roast and then they brought out lots of different vegetables that you just passed around family style.  Roasties, boiled potatoes, cabbage, carrots, was great.  I had a yummy apple crumble with cream for dessert.
This is a dark picture, but this is of Margaret and David


Dad, Mum, and Margaret going over old pictures of family members that Margaret has.

Cousins Linda and Val

Leah and her boyfriend James

After lunch we went back to Margaret and Jeff's house to hang out and talk.  It was really fun and we got to see a lot of old family pictures that Margaret has.  I've learned so much about my family on this trip and am so grateful to get to know so many family members better.  It was an AWESOME day!


  1. Great pics Megs! Keep them coming.

  2. We enjoyed meeting you and spending time with you just as much. Can't wait to see you in September.
