Monday, May 7, 2012

Wales: Visiting my only first cousin

I guess it was Monday, although I seriously can't believe it was that early in the trip because it doesn't feel like that at all, but we went to go visit my cousin Chris and his family. I've only met Chris one time before in my life (6 years ago) and so it was really neat to get to see him, his wife Tina, and his two adorable kids James and Grace.

We all sat around and talked for a few minutes while munching on some yummy sandwiches and chips.  Then James and Grace busted out some games on the wii.  By the end of our visit Tim and I were playing dancing games with them on the wii.  It was really fun and I think we won the kids over ;-)

Candid photo I accidentally took of Tim on the ride to Chris's house.
Candid shots of their family.

Grace and James-seriously these children are beautiful. 

Getting ready to dance.

.All in all, it was so great to get to know my cousin and his family a little bit more.  It was awesome.


  1. ha ha, I love the pictures of you dancing!! James and Grace have gotten so big!!
