Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wales: London Eye

One of the fun things we did while in London was go on the London Eye.  Although some might think it was boring, we really loved the experience.  It was a nice break to relax and still do something touristy for an hour.  We were able to see wonderful views, escape from the rain, and see some of the storms that were occurring and all the scenery still.  It was pretty fun. Here are some of the pictures from this little adventure-all horrible quality but it's the thought that counts.

Starting with the best: the people that were there: my parents and Tim (there was also another family but they did their own thing).  I think these are the best pictures by far of this experience.  Probably because the rain didn't interfere with the quality, and because look how cute my parents are! And Tim?!  Yeah-my family rocks :-D

I absolutely love this picture of my parents.  We had such a great trip being with them.  I love that big bright orange thing in the background, but I would edit it out of this picture if I could lol.  Love you Honey! 

Here's Tim doing some sweet poses :-D

Let's see if we can tell what any of these photos are?
I will say...lots of random pictures of London from the London Eye

 If anyone has any ideas of what some of these pictures are of-feel free to let me know.

Great picture of Tim, although I don't know what he's looking at either.
Aren't we so cute? Yeah, this is our "what are we looking at?" face.

 Oh there's something! The Royal Barge.

The Royal Barge

Oh and we know what those are!

Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.
River Themes
Buckingham Palace

*Disclaimer: while on the London Eye my parents were fantastic "guides" and told us what everything was.  The sarcasm in this post isn't from our amount of knowledge in regards to London (although mine is quite small), but rather a poke at the horrible quality of my photos in that we really can't tell what anything is. Again, it's all about remembering the memories.

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