Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Best Two Years

No this isn't about the awesome LDS movie...May 8th was Tim's and my two year anniversary.  I can't believe how fast the last two years have flown by. They have gone by so fast and I know it's because we've been so happy during that time.  I love my Tim.  Man I really had no idea how much I lucked out when we got married two years ago.  I married him because I loved him and wanted to be with him forever.  But now that we have been together for a couple years my love for him has grown deeper.  I could never imagine my life without him-I would never want that-I not only want him forever but now I desperately need him forever.

I knew that he would be an amazing husband, and one day a phenomenal father, but there are so many small things that I didn't know the extent of.  Or I may have known them a little/suspected them, but these last two years have really shown me just how awesome Tim is. 

He takes such good care of me when I'm sick.  He makes me laugh SO much.  Our goofy, kitchen dance moves work so well together. He can be so caring, loving, and selfless.  He's great at yard work. He always has my back. He is even more amazing at quoting movies than I realized (I'm talking perfect quotes from obscure movies that he saw once 7 years ago!). He is so good with kids of all ages-and they generally love him more than me.  He is way braver and much more laid back than me.  He balances me and helps me to calm down.  He comforts me like no one can.  He always makes me feel better (unless we're driving ;-)...but we're working on it). He gives the best hugs.  I think I would die without our cuddling-I love how we both LOVE to cuddle. 

There were so many things that I knew about him, and I knew I wanted to know so much more...but the things I've learned-man I am SO lucky.

Tim and I have now been married for the length of a LDS missionary (boys-girls go for 18 months) and I must say that he is the very best companion I could ever hope to have in life.  Being with him has been so great.  I know that marriage is hard and that there are ups and downs, but these last two years have been filled with so many more ups than downs, and sometimes the downs would turn into ups...blah this is rambly. Basically...I am so grateful for Tim.  I love him very much.  These past two years have been wonderful and we've loving each other the whole time. I'm excited for the years ahead :-D

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