Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Kid on the Block coming November 10th

AH!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! I'M PREGNANT!!! I'm due November 10th and I have been wanting to tell people for so long, but I'm really paranoid so I wanted to wait to hear the heartbeat.  Well we heard it people! We heard it! and the Dr. said it was "perfect" :-) (163) AH! I'm just so incredibly happy right now.

It is so incredibly sereal but I can't wait to meet this baby.  We found out I was pregnant on March 16th.  I was going to wait to the 17th to have some Irish luck, but then when I came home from work and Tim wasn't there I decided that was the perfect time to surprise him with a positive pregnancy test, if it turned out positive-and it did! Oh it was such a wonderful moment.  I then proceeded to wrap up the positive test (it said YES) and put it in a gift bag with some candy.  I told Tim that I had a surprise for him.  He pulled out the wrapped test, looked at me, I was tearing up, and he knew! Oh it was such a great wonderful moment.

During the time Tim and I were trying to get pregnant it was hard.  I knew logically that getting pregnant can take some time but once I had made my mind up to start trying I wanted to be pregnant right then.  Every month that we weren't pregnant was hard.  I wasn't sure where I'd be on the fertility scale and it made me realize more than anything that this is what I wanted. I'm so incredibly grateful that we're pregnant.  Although I complain about being sick (I've always been kind of a whiner), I'm not taking this for granted. 

I've been so nervous to tell people in case something went wrong. But I've wanted to tell everyone and to share our happy news since we found out! Well...having a baby takes courage and a leap of faith.  We heard our baby's heart beat today and it was so wonderful.  It just calmed my heart.  So no matter what happens from here on out, man...I am so happy and grateful.  I'm a mom people! Tim and I are having a baby!


  1. Megs!!! I am so excited :) Can't wait for you to find out what you are having. We will be holding McKenna back a year and so our kids will be in the same grades! Can't wait to talk more with you. There is soooooo much to talk about! Its an exciting time!

  2. Megan! JT got that text from Tim a couple of days ago and I just about died of happiness for you guys!!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! Your baby will be the most beautiful, lucky baby around! And I'm so excited that we will be back from DC by then so I can help take care of you and your new babe. AHH!!!! You are having a baby!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!
