Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Trimester Uno: Pregnancy Update and First Appointment

So...I want to document everything in this pregnancy because well...it's my first one and I'm really excited about it.  So here is just a list of how it's gone so far.

From middle of February-Middle of March: Cold, Sinus Infection, Virus, Cold
March 16th-at home pregnancy test (YES). Around 6 weeks pregnant.
March 17th-I think I peed at least 20 times that day
Soon after...Nausea starts.
About week 7 start wearing a sports bra all the time because underwire has transformed into Satan. 
April 11th-First ultrasound/doctors appointment. 

I need to go on a little tangent about that doctor's appointment.  It was so wonderful.  I mean...I'm a pretty mature person, but I know that becoming a mother means that I will really have to grow up in regards to my body...aka no privacy and no shame.  So, I was nervous about this first appointment because of that.  I was brave and mature, there was the doctor, a really really nice nurse, and a young PA student, and Tim of course. Once we saw the baby though...I really did forget about anything embarrassing-anything to do with myself.  It was so wonderful.  We saw our baby! and it's a real baby! It didn't look like a peanut, or a jelly bean or anything (maybe slightly like an alien because it's head was obviously way bigger than it's body-but no way am I calling my baby alien)-there were arms and legs and although we didn't hear the heartbeat I could see our baby moving around a little.  It even waived it's hand. 

Now...I want to address how I have no idea what to call our child until we know the sex.  I generally just call it Baby because that is what it is.  But yes, I acknowledge I say it a lot...and no, I don't like calling our baby "it".  My doctor recommended "Shim"...but nothing has really felt right so...my baby, who I love so so so much already, is just going to be called "it" by me until I can say "little girl" or "little boy".  Because the baby didn't look like a peanut or jelly bean or anything else, it is a little baby.  All of it was wonderful (the experience, not my child-slightly confusing).

That first appointment was so great though.  I'll scan in the photos and post them here soon.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why but the stupid nicknames for the baby annoys me. haha so we just call the baby, babe or babe
