Saturday, May 19, 2012

Unrealistic Expectations (Warning-some major venting in this post)

My mother and sisters never really got sick when they were pregnant, so I kind of figured that I would be like them.  One of my coworkers was the cutest pregnant girl ever.  She never got sick, she only was a little more tired than usual.  The first members of Tim's family that I met were his sister and her family.  His sister was 8+ months pregnant at the time and she looked great!

Now...I do have one friend who gets horribly, HORRIBLY sick when she's pregnant.  When I think about my experience thus's nothing compared to hers.  She helps me be grateful and keep perspective.  I'm so sorry that she gets so sick, but it really does help me count my blessings.  And I'm not saying I wish anyone to get sick! Not at all.  I wouldn't wish that on anyone!

I just thought for sure that I would be fine like the majority of the women I know.   But I'm not- They gave me unrealistic expectations.  Now here's my disclaimer: IT IS ALL WORTH IT IN THE END! (Again, to my baby and future children who I may have hard pregnancies with-YOU ARE ALL WORTH IT)

Although I've had a lot of nausea and morning sickness (I've thrown up I think 16 times now...again, nothing to some women, just more than I expected), I think the worst of it has been that my immune system is basically gone.  If anyone in my office gets sick, I get it.  I really have caught every bug that has gone around.  I don't think there's been a week since mid February that I haven't had some sort of sickness.

It's been wearing on me a little.  I want to feel good.  I want to have energy.  I want to see my family/nieces.  I'm a whiner.  Oh man am I a whiner, but the last couple days have been hard on me.  I think what's been hard is that I kept telling myself that once I hit 12 weeks I'd feel better.  Then it was once I hit 14 weeks, I'll feel better.  Well...I'm 15 weeks, I'm still hoping that I will feel better, but I have to learn to suck it up and function if I don't get feeling better.

Last night Tim and I made black bean burgers together.  I'd been wanting to try to make those since I saw them on pinterest and I was so excited.  They were pretty good, although a little too spicy (I think I put in the wrong kind of chili powder).  Well...I have to take my prenatal pills with food because taking pills now makes me gag, and sometimes just plain water makes me gag (I'm not a good water drinker).  I went to take one last night, and I lost everything that I had eaten.  It was gross.  OH my wonderful Tim and how great he is.  That guy didn't even blink-he is such a wonderful husband. I love him! But yeah...lost everything.  15 weeks!

Now some humor/silver lining.  My mom thinks if I'm sick that maybe I won't gain as much weight.  NO such luck mom-I'm going to be huge.  I don't generally throw up food, it's mainly stomach acid.  And this morning when I told her how she and my sisters gave me unrealistic expectations she just laughs and says "Well you know why that is don't you?"  "No.  Why?"  "Because you're an Evans!"

When we were in England visiting family they all kept telling me that I take after my Dad's side of the family.  Well I feel like I was closest to my Nanny Con out of all my grandparents, so I kind of take a little pride in that.  So yeah...maybe all the Jones women have great pregnancies and us Evans have harder time of it.  It's ok.  It really made me laugh when my mum said that, and is ALL WORTH IT!

I think I'm just getting a little self conscious of being sick all the time.  I feel bad.  I wish I could do more.  I wish I didn't have to skip work or church, or flake on meeting with friends.  I feel bad. But I know that I will get better.  It will happen.  In the meantime though, I keep telling myself to be grateful for being sick.  It may be hard, but I am such a paranoid person, and having all of these physical symptoms reassures me that my baby is in there, using lots of energy to grow and get strong.  So I'll take it-I'll give my baby all the energy I have and be sick much more than I am if it means they are going to be fine.  So yeah...if anyone reads this all the way through...I'm sorry for my venting and rambling.  I just needed to get some of it out, but at the end of this post-I am now feeling better.


  1. Love you too Jerr. Thank you. So excited to see you tomorrow!

  2. I could never handle the prenatals so all my doctors have recommended two flinstone vitamins just make sure they have folic acid. I couldn't handle chewing so I just swallowed them like a pill and for some reason, they were much easier to handle. I don't know if that would help. Good luck!

  3. As much as I would LOVE to be pregnant again, I'm the first to admit that a lot of it is no fun! Yes, the outcome is definitely worth it (times a million!) but while you're in the middle of it, it stinks! Just remember that you won't be pregnant forever and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Ginger and mint both seemed to help me out, just FYI. Can't wait to see what a little Timmy/Megan baby looks like! (finally some darker cousins??? lol) Love ya

  4. Lara-Thank you for the flinstone tip-I might have to try that if I continue having problems. But for the most part I think I'm doing ok so long as I eat with all of my pills.

    Suzanne-Thank you! I really am SO happy to be pregnant and SO incredibly excited. And most of the time I'm fine, but sometimes being sick just weighs on me-and it's not even being pregnancy sick, it's that I've got everything else on top of it. But I know it will get better and it's all worth it, and really...I'm doing great and things are going good. I just have to keep perspective push through the tough times. Thank you so much though. I am so excited to see what our baby looks like too! Basically, kind of a battle of the Ellertson and Kings genes to see if our baby has lots of hair or not ;-)
