Monday, May 21, 2012

Great Friends

I have amazing friends! I'm so grateful for all of them.  Although I don't see everyone very much anymore, what with none of us living together, working full time, and people in school-every time I see my friends it's like a weeks worth of sunshine.  They uplift me so much and I love them because they're awesome.  Man-I just really feel blessed with such good friends.

This weekend I had two wonderful friend experiences.  On Saturday my friend Bethany came over and surprised me with beautiful flowers and earrings!  She and I had meant to meet on Wednesday night but I was feeling sick and had to bail.  The cute yellow earrings were for my birthday and the flowers were to celebrate my baby and help me get better.  Um...she is the BEST! We just got to hang out for a few hours and talk and it was so wonderful.  Bethany has been back in Utah for the past year and this was the first time we've really been able to hang out.  I have officially decided that no amount of busy-ness can separate us for that long ever again.  It was so great to see her and catch up.  I'm feeling lots better today and I think it's because she made me so happy :-)
This is at the farewell party right before Bethany left on her mission.  I was SO sad to see her leave, but so happy for her.  Yes-she and I definitely need more recent pictures together.

On Sunday my friend Jerri had a dessert party at her new house.  I haven't seen all of my girls since a few weeks before we left for England so it feels like it's been forever since I've seen them.  It was so great to see everyone.  I love my girls.  I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends.  Sometimes I think how great they are and wonder what I bring to the group/why they keep me around/just how lucky I am.  I know that I do contribute something (not always sure what)-but I am just so grateful for them and their love.  And I'm not going to question it further because I'm just going to be thankful for the blessing.
This picture is from baby Bridger's baby shower.  Alicia wasn't able to come to the party because she was sick, but we sure missed her! (and you Mar in CA ;-) ) are some wonderful things that my friend Jerri brings to our group (and many more!).
Matt, Jerri, me, and Tim at M-HoB's wedding reception.  I love Jerri and Matt and am so grateful to have such wonderful friends and that we've all got wonderful husbands.
1. She is so loving
2. She always thinks about people when they're having a rough time and tries to cheer them up
3. She plans great parties and get togethers
4. She is awesome at interior design and crafts (once I moved into my own home and had to try and make things cute without her I appreciated her even more)
5. She gives some of the best hugs ever!
6. She's a great cook
7. She's amazing at remember special dates and always gives people cards or gifts
8. She's really considerate of others

Along the lines of those last two...I am so grateful for friends like Jerri and Bethany (and all my other girls!).  One of my weaknesses is giving cards and gifts and because of that I think I feel even more love when people give me a card of a gift.  I was overwhelmed with love from my friends this weekend.  Bethany would have been a good enough surprise all by herself, but then she had to put like...icing made of gold on the cake by bringing me a birthday present and flowers.  Jerri-oh my goodness sweet wonderful girl! I haven't been able to buy many things for our baby yet because I'm waiting to find out the gender.  But Jerri already got our baby something.  While out shopping she saw the below stuffed animal and just thought that our baby needed to have it.  I love giraffes and Jerri wanted our baby to have one too.  AH! I just can't get over my friends.  I seriously think they have helped me to get over my sickness with all of their love and I'm so grateful for them. It was a WONDERFUL weekend!

Isn't this such an awesomely cute stuffed animal?! I already feel like our baby  is spoiled ;-)


  1. You are so sweet! I am so lucky to have a friend as awesome as you! Glad you are feeling better. I love ya!

  2. You're the best, Megan! It was not an accident we met that fateful day first day of freshmen orientation haha... I'll be forever grateful for you-know-who that "set us up." So glad you're feeling better! Love you!
