Thursday, May 24, 2012

Feeling Better!

This week seems like it's been SO slow (work)...but there have been some wonderful high lights during it.  I realized over the weekend that although I'm still very hopeful of overcoming nausea/all the other sicknesses I've been having, I might not get better-so I better toughen up and deal with it.  If I was one of those unlucky women who is sick throughout her entire pregnancy, well then I would be one of those women and I would still be very happy to be having a baby, and I'd need to figure out how to fulfill my responsibilities.  It's most likely because my attitude has changed, but I am now starting to feel better!

This week my parents came to town for my niece's kindergarten graduation (I hear it was AWESOME!).  It's been great having them here this week.  Although I wasn't able to see them as much as I'd like (just because I have to work), it was SO great to get to see my parents AND to finally get to see my sister and my nieces again! I'm not able to see their family when I'm sick because if my niece gets sick it's really bad for her. So it was such a wonderful week of 1. starting to feel better and 2. getting to see my family again. 

I think it's typical that right after I do a big venting/whinging post about the problems I've had so far that I'd start feeling better.  I feel like I had some humble pie for breakfast, but I just wanted to write that I am so incredibly grateful to be pregnant.  My life is wonderful.  I have the best and most loving husband, a wonderful family, and a baby on the way.  Now that I'm not so stuck in feeling bad for myself I'm really feeling so incredibly happy and grateful.  Blah! I'm probably entering into my sappy emotional stage, but...this week has been so good.  I am surrounded by such good people...and life is good.

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard at first to adjust to being sick all the time....but before long it becomes your new normal and you start thinking about other things. I really jumped into a project a week to prepare for our little one to come- that helped me try to move past the yucky sick stuff to the fun stuff. You are such a great mommy already! So proud of you and happy for you to have this opportunity!
