Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend 2012

Oh how I love summer.  I must admit, I loved it a lot more when I was able to get out in the sun more often and enjoy it a little bit more, but alas...working a full time job is good too.  Anyway though we had such a fun weekend and I just wanted to do a little recap of it.

On Friday night Tim and I played house.  Forget being married for two years, on Friday night we had a dog and a toddler and it was legit! Basically, we dog-sat Maddie the great dog all weekend and then we babysat little Austin on Friday night as well.  It was really fun and easy really.  We watched the Incredibles, read some books, put Austin to bed, and then Tim and I stayed up and watched the movie Miracle (such a good movie!).

Saturday we went up to Brigham City to go visit Grandma Frogley's gravesite.  It was really neat because I hadn't been up there before.  They do this every memorial day weekend, but last year it was bad weather so not everyone went up to the cemetery.  This year it poured down with rain but we toughed it out.  Grandpa Frogley's parents and brothers and a lot of Grandma's family are in this cemetary.  I'm kind of a sap when it comes to family and heritage.  When we were in Wales I cried all the time because I was so happy and emotional to be around family, friends, and the homeland.  Getting to know Tim's family more and their heritage was really special to me.  I talked to Grandpa about his parents and about Grandma Frogley and it was just really neat.  On Grandma's grave there is a sweet line from an Emily Dickenson poem.  I wasn't familiar with it and Grandpa started quoting me the poem.  He said that it was everything he'd wish he could say to her-it was really lovely.  I can tell he loves her SO much.  Yeah, Grandpa Frogley's a stud and a romantic and all of it got me teared up.  But it was raining so no one really saw :-)

After going to the cemetery all 25 of us went to the resturaunt Maddox.  I guess it's really well known and kind of a Utah tradition (bad word choice...staple? I don't know...monument?...you get the idea). It was really fun to be with a big group of family eating good food.  We sat by two of Tim's uncles and got into some heated/funny political topics at dinner but nothing got too heated, other than the heavenly soft warm rolls they have there :-)

Sunday we were pooped.  We have church at 9 and we accidentally turned off our alarms and went back to sleep.  We woke up at 8:54 so we were a few minutes late. After church we took naps, relaxed, watched a great movie that Tim got me for Mother's Day (New York Doll).  It's a documentary about a man who was in the rock band New York Dolls and then later joined the church.  We loved it and I highly recommend it to anyone/will let you borrow ours to watch it if you want. After watching that movie we decided to write a couple letters.  I wrote my Granddad a letter.  I've missed him so bad since we've come back from Wales.  I'm usually really bad at communicating to people long distance but I decided I need to make a bigger effort with him.  I hadn't seen him in 6 years and now seeing him again I want him to always know how much I love him even if I don't get to see him often.  Tim wrote his cousin Steven who is serving a mission in Tennessee a letter.

Monday-NOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOORRRRRRRRRRK!!! WHOOOOHOOO!!! Sleep in. Tim had an appointment in Salt Lake so I stayed home and did some housework.  Then I tried out a new recipe that I found on pinterest (Thai peanut chicken in the crockpot-SO GOOD!). I had also made wantons sometime over the weekend so we had a little Asian food weekend. The rest of Monday we relaxed until we met up with some of Tim's high school buddies.  The best part of that was getting to see Celes and her new baby Allie.  Jon and Celes live in Salt Lake and we hadn't seen them in forever and they have a new little baby girl.  Oh my goodness she is gorgeous! It was so fun to get to see everybody, hang out, catch up, and hold a cute baby.  Yep...I'm excited for when our baby comes and I get to snuggle with my own baby.  Oh it's gonna be great.  Also, we're really excited that our kids will be pretty close together in age.

And that was our fun-filled, relaxing Memorial Day weekend.

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