Friday, June 1, 2012

JUNE! and Summer!

Oh my goodness it's June! That just seems crazy to me.  Where did the time fly? I love the month of June, but this is officially summer now. So in regards to summer I'm just doing a little update on some of our summer plans.

June 7-Doctor appointment 18 weeks
-I'm officially 17 weeks now and I've decided I need to start snapping some growing belly pictures.  My problem so far is that my belly seems to be HUGE some days (mainly because of bloating or food babies) and not there at all other days.  Now though I think it's starting to grow because my baby is growing and so I need to start snapping pictures.  We get to find out the gender in a couple of weeks!

A couple of Tim's cousins are getting married this month-so that'll be really fun.  More great additions to our Bear Lake Trip every year :-) (and the family!).

June 27-30th-Family Reunion with all of Tim's siblings and kids.  It should be really fun to have all of his immediate family there and we're so stoked to get to hang out with everybody.

June 30th-two of my best friends' birthdays (Mary Ho-B and Kirby!)

I feel like May FLEW by, and that June is going to do the same.  Once June is over, then July will be here and we've got a whole bunch of fun stuff in July as well.  The next thing you know it'll be August, then September, and then October and then in mid November I'll be having a baby.  I know you all know the order of the months, but I just feel like time is flying by (except during the work day) and that before we know it Tim and I will be parents, and then he'll graduate, and then...THE GREAT UNKNOWN OF LIFE!!! Crazy. Crazy I tell you.  Changes are happening people.  And they are good. :-)

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