Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I grew up playing a lot of sports.  I feel like I had pretty good sportsmanship.  I made friends with all the people from other teams on swim team, and made some really good friends from different volleyball and track teams as well. I remember an experience I had as a young girl at a swim meet.  I was talking to the girls from other teams that I was going to be competing against in my heat.  One of my good friends from my own team said "What are you doing?! They're the enemy!"  She was serious.  Thankfully, at that young age I realized that was ridiculous. Although I'm still a pretty competitive person it is important to realize that winning really isn't everything.

I saw an amazing article today about a girl who showed great sportsmanship in a state track meet.  She was very humble and didn't want the recognition but her act of kindness moved me to tears.  I know I'm in my sappy pregnancy phase, but I think even without the extra hormones this would definitely make me cry.  I wanted to share this story because it is a wonderful example to all of us.  I hope that I am able to raise my children to be good and kind like this young girl is.

High school runner carries fallen opponent across finish line.

In the spirit of sports I wanted to post some pictures of some of the best teams I've been able to be on.

Great Volleyball Teams

Some pictures from swim team.  
I loved doing swim team every summer; it is a high light of my childhood. 
I can't wait to get my kids in the pool :-)

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