Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Corn, Bacon and Potato Chowder

Now that I'm feeling a lot better I've been trying to cook more.  It feels like it's been months since I've really made an effort in the kitchen so I'm trying to make up for it.  My cooking board on pinterest is helping a lot :-)

I haven't taken any pictures of the yummy food I've made but I thought I would share some of the recipes anyway.

Last night I made a Summer Corn, Bacon, and Potato Chowder that I found on pinterest-and it was GOOD. So good that Tim said he would eat it again-Huzzah! Success.  So here is the below original recipe from the weight watchers site.  I think this original recipe is probably pretty healthy-I made some substitutions based off what I had-making it less healthy, but still so yummy.

1 comment:

  1. You inspired me...I totally just dumped all of this into a crock pot :) I hope mine turns out as good as your's because I had to make substitutions as well.
