Thursday, June 7, 2012

Shrimp Won Tons

Megan's Shrimp Won Tons

My mom and I used to make wontons for parties sometimes when I was in high school.  It was really fun just being able to help her a little in the kitchen and do a little assembly line of stuffing, folding, and frying the wontons.  I was really accident prone when I was younger so there aren't many memories of me helping my mom in the kitchen so this was kind of a rare experience. 

My parents were in town a couple weeks ago for my niece's kindergarten graduation and while they were in town they were nice enough to take us grocery shopping.  I saw some wonton paper (?) and decided I wanted to try my hand at them.  They were SO good.  Tim really liked them too/was impressed that I knew how to make them without looking at any recipes (2 years of marriage and I still got some surprises up my sleeve ;-) )-Huzzah! My yummy recipe below.

Megan's Shrimp Wontons
1. Cooked shrimp chopped
2. Cream Cheese
3. Fresh green onion chopped
4. A couple spoonfulls of mango peach salsa (made it SO yummy)

Sorry there are no measurements-I really have no idea how much I used of each ingredient-just eyeball it depending on how many wontons you want to make.

Once you mix up the cream cheese mixture and form your wonton however you want, then you fry it in oil.  If you have a deep fat fryer then it's a little easier to do-I just used vegetable oil in a pot and got them out with tongs.  Be really careful on the heat-the oil can get SUPER hot.  It's also really good to make sure the wontons are completely sealed without any cream cheese leaking out.  The cream cheese sizzles and makes the oil spit up.

Dipping Sauce
1. Soy Sauce
2.Yoshida Sauce
3. Apricot Jam

I didn't really know what to dip the wontons in so I kind of just mixed the three sauces above and it was really good.  Don't go to heavy on the soy sauce though-you want more of a sweet flavor instead of salty.


  1. Those sound good. I have actually never had mom's wontons.

  2. They're really easy and SO yummy. The worst part is trying not to get burned by the oil, but other than that-they're a hit!
