Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baby Update: Movin'!

Our baby likes to move it, move it. Yes...I've got that song stuck in my head right now.  Yesterday was one of the best Mondays I think I've ever had.  It went by fast and I was so happy because of the baby.  The baby was moving so much that it was making me giggle and laugh a little bit because it was tickling me. Yes-tickling me! It was so funny.  I can already tell that our child is Hilarious! I'm a proud momma to be sure.  It was so neat and I am so excited to get to feel my baby move more and more.

For about the last month since I've been able to feel the baby move the biggest things I've been looking forward to is 1. finding out the gender and 2. Tim being able to feel the baby move.  Well we have our big ultrasound tomorrow morning at 8:30 am.  And then last night Tim felt the baby  move! It was SO WONDERFUL! Oh my goodness-it was so neat! The baby was doing some big like somersaults or Thai-Kwan-do or something but before we went to bed I said to Tim-I think I can feel the baby move on the outside and so we put his hand on my tummy and the next thing we knew-our baby was moving for it's daddy.  Tim would say "Was that it?!" me-"YES!" He was feeling everything-it was awesome! Oh it was so special.  I didn't expect him to be able to feel the baby move so soon. I didn't expect to feel so much joy so early.  I love this baby so much and am so grateful for it.  I mean seriously-they made a Monday awesome.  I've got an awesome kid already :-D

Baby timeline:
June 25th, 2012 around 10:30 pm-Tim feels baby move for the first time.
June 27th, 2012 at 8:30 am-big 20 week ultrasound (I will be 21 weeks on Thursday)

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