Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pregnancy Update: Crazy Dreams

I have had TONS of crazy dreams since being pregnant.  Thankfully, I can't remember all of them.  Here are some really weird ones that I can remember though.

Les Mis/musical. costume changes. I sang Dreamed a Dream but then the second half of the play didn't happen, and I didn't die.  Baseball musical number (Smash). My dad in audience with tim. tim then gone-went to temple to work thursday night-I'd forgotten. we need to go soon. woke up drenched in sweat at 5 am.

crazy dream with a mom trying to change son's class schedule. we were in a house with big black dog (think HP) and then I had to go outside and she was yelling and I had to shut her down.  Then she sicked this crazy huge black and orange snake on the dog-tried to squeeze it to death-so scary.  Tim and another guy tried to get it off the dog and then it tried to strangle Tim.  I had to grab it's head and try to force it off-some kind of rattler-no rattle, but poisonous.  And then I had to cut off the snake's head. Then I woke up.  Horrible.

Black Friday/Yard sale/Grab back sale.  Race and you go around to grab the stuff you wanted but you could only have one bag.  I some how got two big duffel bags of stuff and a big huge like 6 foot by 5 foot by 1 foot box full of stuff.  I was really nervous because I didn't want to get caught. I remember getting tons of DVDs and some Disney princess leggos.  when I woke up I couldn't remember anything else that I'd gotten that had filled up the other bag/box, but I felt good about getting great deals :-)

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