Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pregnancy Update: 20 weeks!

I am halfway today! Isn't that crazy?! Now that I'm over the drama of the first trimester I can't believe how the time has flown by.  I feel like I have TONS to do, but I'm kind of holding out on making any big plans/purchases/really anything to be honest, until we find out the gender.  So here are a couple updates on what's been going on with my pregnancy now.

1. I can feel the baby moving! It is SO neat.  I feel the baby move generally a few times a day.  To me I wouldn't describe it as butterfly wings.  It's felt like my baby has been swimming around a little, tickling my belly from the inside out, and occasionally giving me a couple of jabs/kicks. Sometimes it just feels like I have pressure or stretching and that the baby is pressing outward.  I just love being able to feel my move.  I can't wait until Tim can feel the baby too!

2. I definitely have a baby bump.  This bump is there regardless of whether or not I have a food baby-I have a baby bump! And I kind of love it! Sure...pants are kind of the devil unless they're my super comfy maternity leggings-but I wear dresses and skirts most of the time anyway.

Also in regards to the bump.  I had such a grand idea of documenting it's growth every week.  I went out and bought a cute striped t-shirt and everything. I have failed dismally so far.  However, now that my bump isn't fluctuating based on the size of my bladder or the contents in my stomach, but due to actual baby growth, I think I'll just start this week.  Half-way till the end belly shots. (Let's cross our fingers I get my act together on this-a baby needs documenting and pictures.  I need to train myself now before November.)

3. Just as of a couple days ago I've started to have some random back pain.  Generally either one side or the other, all in the lower back. It's happening people-it. is. happening.

4. I officially threw up (hopefully for the last time) this past Saturday and it was completely all my fault.  I'm really grateful for my baby.  Basically, I ate junk food for two days straight. Cups of noodles, hotdogs, movie popcorn, pizza, pop.  Oh my goodness-not a good combo! What was I thinking?! Basically, it was the combination of camping, family parties, and going to the movies, but I felt SO sick Saturday night.  Good baby let me get rid of it all.  Never again.  Back to trying to eat healthy.

5. I am having CRAZY dreams! CRAZY!!!! I have always had pretty vivid crazy dreams, but let me tell you...they are nuts right now. Oh my goodness. I should probably do a whole post on them, but man...this past week I've been really tired and I partly blame it on the dreams.  I'm unable to fully rest because my subconscious has so much going on.

6. So far this pregnancy I have "craved" carbs or salty foods more than sweets.  That's not really a surprise though because I don't normally have a huge sweet tooth, and I always love carbs. I have been really loving fruit though. I've also been very blessed in that I haven't had any food aversions really.  The 2 weeks after coming back from Wales nothing really tasted good and I was just feeling sick/nauseous the whole time.  But before then and since then food has been good to me.  Really-no surprise.

So there it is.  That's kind of the update for what's been going on lately.  Definitely more to come :-)

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