Thursday, June 21, 2012

Miss Amy's dinner...aka we miss you Amy (soon to be MRS)! :-D

One of my dear friends/old coworkers Amy is getting married this Saturday.  She has been one super busy lady getting ready for the big wedding and then a move to CA where her soon-to-be future hubby lives.  Before her last week of work all of us girls went to a yummy Thai restaurant for dinner to let her know how much we love her and will miss her. Here are some of the photos from that fun night.

 I apologize for the quality of most of the photos-a lot of them are kind of blurry. At least we have some to document this fun night though right? (I have to tell myself that every time).

I am so happy for Amy.  If she was going to leave us she chose the very best of reasons to do so.  I know that she and Dave are going to be so incredibly happy together and I'm glad she found an awesome guy to treat her right.  Amy has been one of the biggest reasons why I like my job.  She has become such a great friend and confidant.  She has such a great heart, wonderful advice and listening ear, and is a great example to all those around her. Not to mention that she is just super cool and oober talented. Yep she's awesome. Dave's a lucky man.  We miss you Amy-and we love you lots!


P.S. Tim and I met this little guy below on a fun trip to Cabellas.  He says that Honey Badger don't give a crap that you're moving to CA-he still loves you no matter what the distance is.  And so do we!

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