Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Life can be so cruel sometimes.  So unfair. I get paranoid and worry easily.  I almost always worry about silly things that really don't matter.  I've realized lately how blessed Tim and I are.  We both have jobs that we like.  We have wonderful families and friends.  We have a baby on the way.  Life is so good. 

Sometimes I lose perspective though and get sad or feel sorry for myself.  I know that that is pretty normal and lots of people go through those emotions.  The other night I got sad over something that was silly and in the past.  I just had a pity party and couldn't get out of it.  I ended up watching some Phineas and Ferb-probably my favorite show right now because it always seems to make me laugh.  I then looked outside of myself and realized again how blessed I am.  

I gained perspective from some of the trials I've witnessed in other people lately.  
I hate it. 
I hate that wonderful people go through horrible trials. 
 Life is not fair. and I hate that. 
It's not fair and it sucks that it's not. I hate that by looking at the trials of others it makes me more grateful. 
 I haven't done anything more right than them.
 I know I'm not more deserving than them. 
And logically I know that I'm not more blessed than them in the long run;
we all just have different trials.
And I know that we are all children of God and that he loves all of us.
But I feel guilty sometimes that it takes me viewing someone else's trial to make me feel better; 
to gain perspective. 
Because although it makes me feel so grateful for what I have, 
and I am so grateful.  
Thinking of others helps me get out of my own selfish slump, but it doesn't make their trial any less real.  It doesn't help that other person at all.  It doesn't change what they're going through.  
and yet it helps me.

(Although admittedly, I don't ever feel good thinking about others trials.  I still feel sad-I just stop feeling sad for myself.)

It's just not fair. I by no means want the trials that these people go through. These loved ones or strangers. I don't want them.  I don't think I'd be strong enough to handle them.  But I do know that the Lord gives us nothing that we can't handle.  I see these people, I am given perspective, but I also am awed at their strength.  Although life can suck, the strength of others does give us perspective; and it makes the people on the outside stronger from witnessing the strong examples of those in it. 

I feel helpless.  There's really nothing I can do to change their trials.  
But I think of them often and I pray for them. 
I ask that you pray for them too.
 I have an amazing friend who lost a child. 
It's not fair.  It will never be fair. No one can change their loss. 
But please pray for them. 
I have a coworker who's young wife was just diagnosed with cancer. 
Incredibly serious, horrible cancer. 
Please pray for them. 

And although their trials are horrible, the goodness and strength of these people-
these wonderful, good people
make life good.

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