Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Place Your Bets: Boy or Girl?

Boy or Girl? 
What do you think? 
Place your bets.

So...the honesty question-what do Tim and I want? Well I'm not going to start off with the we don't care either way (I'll finish with that).  Tim says he wants a boy, I say I want a girl...but we're happy either way ;-).  I say a girl because I'd be more comfortable with a baby girl in the short run.  I have sisters and way more nieces than nephews so I just feel like I'd be a little more comfortable with a baby girl.  BUT in saying that, having a new baby no matter what is going to be a new, life-altering experience, and part of me would love to have a son first so that there will be an older brother.  I always wanted an older brother-they just always seem to be awesome you know? And in the end we want both boys and girls-so what difference does the order really make?

Really though-we're not going to be upset either way.  We're just so excited to have a baby; boy or girl we couldn't be more happy.  In fact, the closer it gets the less I know what I want-it's going to be a huge surprise and I'm going to be so excited either way. And I'll say that I've planned my nursery colors with no pinks or purples, so I think it'll work out either way.  Although my inspiration fabric does have flowers on it, so I'll have to make it a little more manly, but I'm up for the challenge!