Thursday, June 14, 2012

Good news

Tim got a job! WhooHoo! He's been job hunting this summer trying to get into the banking industry.  Basically, he wants to get a lot of financial knowledge but have a stable job (I approve)-so banking sounded great.  He got a part-time teller position with UCCU.  He had his first interview with them yesterday morning and they said they'd get back to him by Friday.  Well they called him later that day and offered him the position.  YAY! I'm so proud of him.  Part-time should be perfect since he's still in school in the fall, and then hopefully afterward he'll be able to go full-time and then advance onto higher positions. 

Slight bummer-because of his new job he's going to be in training next week.  I was supposed to have my 20 week ultrasound on the 19th and hopefully find out if we're having a girl or boy.  I'd much rather have Tim be there though so we rescheduled for the 27th instead.  What's one more week really?! (Agony I tell you!  Oh I want to know SO bad! But I'd much rather have Tim be there than go by myself-I mean it is like THE BIG appointment until you actually have the baby you know?! He's got to be there.). In other news again-I'm 19 weeks-almost halfway! I'm feeling great now and definitely have a bump (I need to take pictures). Where has the time gone?

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