Friday, June 15, 2012

Bonding with baby

When Tim and I found out we were pregnant we were both SO excited.  We still are.  I am SO excited.  And although I complained a lot when I was sick during the first 16 weeks, it was a blessing because it let me know that my baby was in there affecting my body.  I'm grateful for it because I'm a pretty paranoid person and it was good to have those reminders.

Being pregnant has been really surreal.    I know I'm pregnant, but it's taken a while to really set in. I can now say that I'm starting to really feel connected to my baby.  That may seem awful to some people that I wasn't feeling connected before-it's hard to describe because I was...but wasn't at the same time.  If something had happened I would have been devastated. Point being though, is that I'm starting to really connect to my baby, and not to just to being pregnant. Logically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually I have been connected, but it's getting deeper and deeper. I've felt slightly obtuse intuitively because I have had no intuition about the gender of my child. Absolutely none.  About a month ago I had a really vivid detailed dream that I had a boy-and I was SO happy.  Then about a week ago I had a dream that I had a baby girl-and I was SO happy.  In both dreams I was in labor and then they handed me my child, in both dreams I could clearly see the face of my child (GORGEOUS!hehe...that's the one thing I'm pretty sure of regardless of gender), they both had lots of brown hair, and my labors were SUPER short...which is how I knew it was a dream ;-) 

I am getting so excited for this baby though.  I've loved the baby from the beginning-from before we started trying I've loved our children and can't wait to meet them.  But I am now definitely falling in love with our baby too.  At around 16 weeks I thought I felt the baby hard to know for sure at first.  But now I am can recognize when our baby is moving and get to feel it every day.  It's the BEST feeling! It melts my heart and makes me ponder how blessed we are and what a miracle life is.  I like to just pause what I'm doing and just feel the baby move-it is SO SO COOL! At our last ultra sound we heard our baby's heart beat but the doctor had to "chase" it because our baby was moving around so much.  I think we've got an active one-a swimmer for sure.  Sometimes I feel a strong movement and kind of feels like a little kick-a soccer player.  :-D

I'm just SO happy.  I realize I was SO dramatic when I was sick.  But now I'm feeling great, and me and baby are doing great, and life is GREAT!

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