Sunday, June 17, 2012

My baby's daddy

In honor of Father's day I wanted to do a post about Tim.  Mother's day and Father's day have been really special this year, because even though we haven't had our baby yet, we are parents now.  We have those worries, hopes, concerns, love, and emotion.  It has been so amazing to get closer to my baby, but the two main things that I'm really excited about now in regards to my pregnancy are:
1. Finding out the gender
2. Tim being able to feel our baby move too 

I remember one of the first times that I thought "I love this man". Tim and I were in his parents basement and he was holding his baby niece Josephine.  Tim loves to hold babies and is kind of a baby snatcher.  He can always make them smile too. I remember he was holding Jo and bending over and giving her lots of kisses.  She was just looking up at him smiling and I thought-I want this man to be the father of my children.

Yep-it was love.  I loved him.  I still love him. I'm falling more and more in love with him.  I have such an amazing man. And now he is the father of my baby, and I'm so incredibly happy I've got him. Tim is such a catch and is/going to be the best dad ever.  He's so good with kids of all ages.  He's so loving and caring. He's been so great and good with me; took care of me so well when I was sick.  I threw up multiple times in front of him and it didn't phase him at all.  He'd get me all the food I craved, do all the chores around the house, cook for me, make me breakfast as soon as I woke up so I wouldn't get sick, he spoiled me on mothers day (breakfast in bed and presents), he never complains, he works so hard, always comforts me and listens to me complain, he meets me every day for lunch, gets along with all of my friends, plans girls nights for me, sings so purely, plays the ukelele, is such an incredibly great example to me in the gospel and in spiritual things, and so so so many more things. I'm so glad marriage isn't a contest because I really feel like he'd be winning.  I'm sure all of our kids are going to be Daddy's boys and girls and he deserves it.  My husband is amazing people-and he's already an amazing dad. He is perfect for me and I love him so much.


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