Monday, July 9, 2012

Miss Darby...aka-we miss Darby

This post has been WAY too long in coming, but I've finally uploaded the pictures off of my camera and phone so I can do this post now.  My great friend/old coworker Darby moved to Arizona in April.  I miss this girl SO bad.  It's crazy.  Just having this girl around and getting to talk to her each day made work so much easier.  Also, she's slightly my TV show soul mate-as in we basically have the same taste in TV shows and would get to talk about them all the time.  BAH! I miss this girl.  Anyway though, before she left we went out to dinner together at California Pizza Kitchen and just had a grand time. 

Before dinner Darby went and got her hair cut.  She'd been growing her hair for forever and-this is SO sweet!-decided to donate it to lochs for love because she thought it was so great when I did it.  Yes! And the goodness keeps spreading.  So here are all of Darby's fantastic hair chronicles, and then our lovely time at dinner together.

Miss Darby and her long hair before...

 Miss Darby and her new, cute short hair after!

Dinner with the Girls


The Three Musketeers with our Super Sweet Pirates of the Caribbean sword pens! They write in blood red.

Darby's last time coming into work. And Mailing in her lovely lochs to Lochs for Love.  Someone is going to get an awesome wig from this girls hair!

And finally...I ran into this lovely guy at Cabella's when Tim and I went with my sister and her family.  Basically, he'd like to say that Honey Badger don't give a crap if you're moving to AZ Darby-he still love you.  And so do we!


  1. Photogenic fail. Bless my heart, I try. On a happier note: In the words of Anne Shirley, "you are my bosom friend." Love you!!

  2. Bless your heart indeed you awesome girl-at least no one is super photogenic on my blog-I like to keep it real like that :-) You are my bosom friend too-Love you tons! Hey-you have a should do something on it! :-)
