Monday, July 9, 2012

4th of July/Baby Bump

Tim and I had a great day on the 4th of July. We slept in. I made yummy waffles-cinnamon sugar with chocolate chips.

We majorly cleaned house. Then we went out to my sister Sian's house.  On the way there we were able to see one of the fires plaguing Utah right now.  It was SO crazy-so close!  President Monson and the governor of Utah asked people to pray for moisture to have the fires get put out-it was either Thursday or Friday when it rained.  It was so neat to see such a physical/literal answer to prayer.
 These are just a couple pictures that I took from the car while driving out to Eagle Mountain.

Damon cooked some awesome chicken on the bbq and Sian made potato salad and yummy spinach and strawberry salad.  It was so good, and the baby loved it! (aka...I loved it and it was yummy and healthy).

While we were at the house I asked if Sian would take a couple belly photos for me.  Okay, I'm not photogenic-I know that. Sian just wanted me to have a straight face...basically impossible-I'm so awkward (evidence below). I think I'm going to just have to smile for all my belly pictures.  And why not? I'm super happy-so I might as well smile :-)

Me and baby girl at 22 weeks

After hanging out with the fam we went to Lehi where one of my best friend's Katy and her husband recently moved.  They had water balloons, volleyball, hamburgers and awesome polish hotdogs. It just isn't the fourth of July if you don't get a hamburger or hot dog you know? Anyway though, it was SO great to get to see Katy and our friend Becca.  We were kind of a major volleyball/friend trio and it has been WAY too long since I've seen those girls.  It was a really fun party, and great to get to hang out with everyone.

After the party we drove back to Provo.  We stopped by Tim's parent's to pick up some tools and hung out and watched some fireworks that were being fired in their neighborhood.  Then we went home and went to bed...because we're old married folks, soon to be parents, and we get tired.  It was a wonderful day though to celebrate our country-and we did it the best way, by being with friends and family.

I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July as well! 
Happy Independence Day!

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