Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Nursery Decorating Plan

Now that we know we're having a little girl I feel like I can finally start working on all the projects I need to do; I can finally go shopping/plan the nursery. The room that we have set up for our nursery is perfect except that I wish the room had better light (although maybe my baby will sleep better since the sun can't blaze through the windows? Yeah...I'm hoping for that.).  Because the lighting is a little dark I've decided I want to make it as light and bright as possible.  I wanted this nursery to work for a boy or girl so no pinks or purples allowed.

Below is my inspiration fabric.  Yes it has flowers so it's a little girly (which is totally ok now!), but it's got great colors!
This picture doesn't quite do the colors justice-the blue is actually a pale aqua, not just a light blue.
 Below is a picture of a rocker Tim and I bought.  We bought it at DI for $20 soon after we got married and I thought that I could use it in a nursery sometime.  I recovered the cushions (still need to completely finish it) and I want to possibly paint the wood either a white or navy blue.  Maybe a bright turquoise? Not sure yet, but the plan is to have this chair in the nursery as well. 
Nursery Ideas-paint the walls a very pale aqua blue with main accents being in red, and smaller accents in yellow, green, and orange.  Seriously-how awesome is this fabric?! I mean it has all the best colors! I'm SO excited! I'll do more posts as I progress in nursery development.

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