Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Getting my Spanish on

Just now in work I got to speak Spanish.  A few months ago this man came into the office because his company was going to be cleaning our windows.  It was in the beginning of the fall and I haven't seen him since then.  I noted that he had a strong accent so I just spoke to him in Spanish the whole time.  Well he just came back in, remembered my name, and just came to ask me a question about someone and he remembered that I had helped him in Spanish before.  It was a fairly quick conversation but just the fact that he remembered my name and felt confident in my Spanish to wait around until he could ask me for the help-it made me feel so good.

I don't really get the opportunity to just speak real legit Spanish.  Tim and I talk in Spanish every once in a while but generally always go back to English/don't have to really think hard if we don't know how to say something-basically, I know I'm forgetting a lot, but being able to still communicate and help people is such a great feeling.  It was a definite bright spot today.  Goal: to practice and refresh on my Spanish grammar after having the baby.

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