Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Babies Babies Babies

Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm mmm mm mmm. 
 Does anyone remember that Natasha Bedingsfield song "I want to have your babies"?  
 That song is awesome. 
 I remember me and my roommates at the Pillar House loved it and when we saw a boy that we thought was legit we'd just do a little bit of that hum and the rest of us knew we liked him. Ha! Actually...thinking about it-I think we would hum that part of the song when a roommate was with a boy that we thought she liked to let her know we knew. Ha! I loved it! Seriously...funny inside joke right?! 
(Haha-I'm surprised I didn't bust out in this song to Tim during these moments. Maybe I did in my head/subconsciously.)

A friend of mine just recently did a post about how tons of people are having babies this year and that she's going to tons of fun baby showers etc...Well I've been thinking the same thing; that this is the year for babies! It seems like every other woman who walks into my work is pregnant. But when I mentioned that to someone they said "no-you just notice when people are pregnant more now because you're pregnant".  Either way-whether I'm noticing it more, or if there really are more babies this year, I feel like there's going to be a boom. 

I decided to see if I could count all my friends on Facebook that are pregnant/or have had babies in the last few months and oh my goodness! Can I say that 29 friends are pregnant (and I didn't even go through all my friends because I got so tired of counting!) and 17 have had babies in the last few months (including a few bloggers that I follow-so a slightly exaggerated number since I don't know them personally (about 5 of them)).  I could list all of them, but I think a few of them are still in the closet about their good news so I don't want to spoil any surprises. But wow 29! + 17! That's 46 babies!

"I see 'em springing up like daisies"

So yes-I think there is a baby boom coming....I blame Elder Neil L. Andersen and his talk at General Conference in October of 2011.  It's a great talk so I'm linking it here.  Or just that General Conference in general-it had a huge focus on the family and on children. Anyway though-I'm so excited for all of the babies that me, my friends, and family are having!  So if you're thinking about expanding your family I say jump on the bandwagon! The more the merrier!

(*I don't want to offend or upset anyone with this post.  Having children is an incredibly important, personal decision that I in no way believe I have the right to influence you on.  Also, I know those who have lost children, and many who are willing but unable to have children. I know I can't say anything to change that or make you feel better, but  maybe Elder Andersen's talk might, and I love you.)

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