Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Homemade Fruit Roll Ups

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww! That is angels singing lovingly, because this was a proud, happy moment for me.  I made my own fruit leather! What! Yeah...I know...this may seem like nothing to you people.  But to me, I felt so good about it.  Mainly, because we have a rocking apricot tree in our yard and me and my cousin-in-law utilized all of that fruit and are making wonderful things out of it.

1. Tons of smoothies-it is SO good.
2. Apricot Jam.
3. I tried my hand at making baby food cubes, only to find out you can't keep baby food in the freezer for more than one month so I gave it to my SIL.
4. Homemade fruit roll ups

I'm really excited about the fruit leather/fruit roll ups because they are SO good and so easy (although TIME CONSUMING) and don't really have anything bad in them.

I used this recipe-also found on my pinterest board.  This recipe was kind of neat because the woman who came up with it did a comparison of what is used in foot by the foot roll ups.  And my goodness, there is a lot of unnessary crap thrown in.  Not that I'm super particular about that stuff, but becoming a momma is making me try to be a little more aware of what I'm eating/what my kids will eat.

Again...I kind of eye-balled it with this recipe.  If I ever follow a recipe exactly that will probably be a miracle. I didn't use berries, just the purreed apricot and some agave.  I really loved it-although I think I'm just going to add some old fashioned sugar next time for Tim. (Although he really liked it too...just would like it more if it was a little sweeter).

Pictures of my apricot fruit leather
Make sure to use parchment paper and not wax paper.  
Was paper just melts to the fruit and won't peel away.
My stove didn't even have a setting less than 200 degrees 
so I just guessed to where I thought 100-150 degrees would be
Finished product

Overall a very fun experience, although it took FOREVER! But it was a fun/healthy experience.


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