Thursday, July 26, 2012


I am so grateful for Tim.  He is the best husband ever and I am so excited to see him as a dad.  This upcoming Monday is his birthday-so wish him happy birthday :-D

I am just feeling so incredibly grateful for family right now.  Tim and I are both so lucky to have such wonderful parents and siblings and I'm so glad that we have such a great family.  I was just looking at tons of photos of all of my nieces and nephews and I can not get over how incredibly cute they all are.  All of our family's families are so cute!

I can't wait to meet our baby! I read the other day that pregnancy is made to be miserable so that by the end of it you welcome labor.  I've had my ups and downs so far, and I can't say that I'm quite to the point of welcoming labor, but I can't wait to welcome our little girl. She is going to be one lucky lady.  She's going to have the best older cousins anyone could ask for.  I'm so grateful for my sisters and Tim's siblings for all of their love and support as we start this new journey, but also for their great examples and the love they have within their own families.  I wish that everyone lived closer and that we always got to see one another, but I can't wait to see how our children will play with their cousins.

Some more great news

Because my family is on the smaller side (only 1 first cousin) my family has made some wonderful friendships with people that although they're called family friends they really are family to us.  I am really blessed to have my own friends that are like that to me; family.  I think the only thing that makes me happier than my own baby is the joy in knowing that our little girl won't be the only new addition to my close group of friends.  Two of my very best friends are expecting as well-one is due at the end of December and the other due around my birthday in February! (Our kids are going to be in the same grade! AH! They could all become roommates in college like their moms! AH! I'm going to get so carried away...but I'm SO excited!) (hehe, just found out that my friend due in Dec. is having a little no, they can't be roomies lol)

I'm not always the best at keeping in touch or communicating long distance. Or for that matter, checking texts/voice mail/calling people back :-S  But I can say that although I lack in those areas, my love for my friends and family doesn't diminish.  I am so happy and so grateful for Tim's and my family, the real ones and the non-blood ones, and I am so happy for our little girl and the many more babies to join our family and friends!

This is what I feel like. Happy.


  1. We really have the best family, don't we? I love that last picture as a description of how happy you are feeling right makes me happy that you are feeling great like that at this stage in your pregnancy. PS you look amazing, but I think I told you that like yesterday :)
