Monday, July 23, 2012

Great Weekend: Baby shopping and Katherine Jenkins Concert

This past weekend was wonderful and eventful.  My family is in town and it was really neat to get to be with them.  The only downside is that this weekend was also the Ellertson Bear Lake reunion and unfortuntaely we weren't able to go.  If we could have done both things, that would have been perfect.  But this weekend was pretty good anyway.

Thursday night: Tim and I went to the midnight showing of Batman
Friday: we spent the night in Eagle Mountain and went to Carl's Jr.s with my parents and nieces, hung out, and just had a relaxing night
Saturday: we went shopping and hunting for baby strollers and cribs.  I was mainly so excited to just get to get in the stores and see all the baby stuff-especially the products I'd looked at online.  Problem-they didn't have any of the products that I liked online in the stores.  We tried going to a lot of different baby stores to see if we could find the stroller that I had wanted. No luck.  However, when we were at Babies R'Us they told us that they had a great online deal for that stroller. The stroller with an extra accessory for $399.  It was a really great deal for this stroller (normally  $500 w/out accessory).  Only problem-they were all sold out online and it was only an online offer.  So...I was actually a little bummed.  It would have been better if I hadn't known about the great deal but then once I did, and that I'd missed out on it-that stunk.

So we kind of went around trying to hunt down that stroller all day.  I also was looking at cribs but the main one I'd wanted to check out wasn't in stores either.  It figures that I'd only choose online products.  But then my sister made a good point that if I want to have my children pretty close in age (which we do) then there's no point in getting a big conversion crib because you won't be converting it, you'll just be rotating your kids through it. I had really liked the look of a crib that was a 4-in-1 converter, but realized...oh yeah, that really might not be practical. So at the end of all our excursions that day, we didn't end up getting anything for the baby.  (until later! :-D)

Saturday Night: This was definitely the high light of the weekend so far.  We went to the Pioneer Day Mormon Tabernacle Choir celebration concert with guest performer KATHERINE JENKINS!!! Oh my goodness it was SO good! We love her because she's Welsh and comes from Neath, the town where my grandma grew up. It's a small town in South Wales near towns where my extended family live now. Just knowing that made us big fans of hers.  In fact, in the case of my mom and myself, we didn't actually watch all of the dancing with the stars episodes, but we would call in and vote for her anyway (without having seen her dance).  She was phenomenal on the show though, so I think it was legit. I actually had only heard her sing a couple of songs before and they were kind of pop songs so I'd never heard her truly classical stuff.  She is phenomenal.  She has a very unique voice because she's a mezzo soprano and has a really great lower range-so at first it takes you off guard because her speaking voice is pretty high.  But wow-she is so talented!

My granddad said that everyone in Wales loves her because she's got this amazing operatic, classical voice, but she looks like Marilyn Monroe.  She is so pretty, and seemed so nice, and was very professional.  One of the biggest things that impressed me was that she was so incredibly modest.  She knew the audience she was performing for and she was so appropriate-it was really great. She even did a dance performance on Friday night and she had a costume similar to the one she wore on dancing with the stars but it was made completely  modest.
This was the last dress she wore during the show.  I got this photo from her facebook page. 
Sian went on Friday night and afterward saw that she was signing some CDs at Deseret Book and she got to talk to her for a minute.  Sian mentioned how we're from Wales (which tons of Mormons have distant Welsh heritage).  But when Sian said how our mom grew up in Cwmbran, our dad in Abertilarry, and that we have family in Porthcall, Swansy, and our nanny grew up in Neath-I guess Katherine was so taken aback that we're first generation Welshmen and thought that was SO neat.  Sian said she was so incredibly nice, and it was neat for Sian because Katherine had no problem pronouncing her name, or spelling it for the CD she signed for them.

I absolutely loved the concert.  The Mo-tab was wonderful, and Katherine was amazing.  One of my favorite parts of the concert was she sang this beautiful Welsh song.  No one in my family speaks Welsh, but it was neat to get to hear the language and the song was beautiful.

The concert was wonderful.  We went with my parents and Tim's mom, Carol. After the concert I also got a great surprise in that Sian had found a great deal for the stroller I'd hoped to find.  It was a similar deal to the Babies R Us but there were more colors to choose from and although it was 25 dollars more it was free 2-day shipping.  So it basically was the same deal.  So after a long day of searching etc...we ended up getting the stroller we wanted.  I can't wait to see it.  It was a very successful day.

Britax B Ready Stroller in Navy.  We ordered the black infant car seat with it.  SO excited for it to come!

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